Chapter 9

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Albus's POV

I refused to leave Scorpius's side. Despite Madam Pomfrey's reassurances that he was going to be okay and her urging to get me to go back to my dorm, I wouldn't budge. It was my fault. All of this. I mean, I hadn't meant to get locked in a broom closet by some tosser I didn't even see, but I could have been faster. I had even been running late before getting locked in, so if only I had been on time then I probably wouldn't have run into that tosser in the first place.

I sighed and rested my forehand against our intertwined fingers. "I'm so sorry, Scorp." I sniffled, tears welling up in my eyes. "I should have been there."

I looked up and brushed a lock of white blond hair away from his eye before kissing his forehead.

"I really hope I'm wrong. I hope that wasn't a werewolf and you don't have to go through that. But more than anything, I hope you're okay because I'm hopelessly in love with you."

The doors burst open and I jumped away from Scorpius. I turned to see McGonagall, Scorpius's parents, and Lucy (the youngest Malfoy) stride into the room. Lucy was balancing on Draco's hip and he put her down to stand next to his wife who had stopped on the other side of Scorp's bed.

Jen placed her hand on Scorpius's face. "My sweet boy."

Draco turned his eyes on me. "Minerva told us you were the one that found Scorpius. Can you tell us what happened?"

I nodded and recounted what had happened, leaving out the fact that the reason we were meeting up was for a date. Draco's grey eyes bored into mine, nearly making me squirm. Draco had always intimidated me and the fact that I was secretly dating his son, only made it worse.

"I thought you two shared a dorm. Why were you meeting outside so late?" Jen asked, looking down at me.

I swallowed. "We, uh...we wanted to explore the forest." Which was partially true. I had wanted to show Scorp something in the forest that Hagrid had been telling me about, but mostly I had a romantic surprise planned for him.

I was usually good at lying but I've known the Malfoys for so long that it felt like lying to my parents which always left a sour taste in my mouth. Neither of them looked convinced but at that moment, Scorpius woke up. His bright blue eyes swept across the room and stopped on me.

"You were late," he said in a husky voice.

I swallowed back my emotions. "I know. I'm so sorry."

"Honey, can you tell us what happened?" Jen asked, reaching down and squeezing her son's hand.

My own hand felt empty without his warmth. Scorpius looked over at his mum. He looked so tired and overall drained. I wanted to take him back to our dorm and take care of him myself. I wanted to just take him in my arms and hold him and never let go. I wanted to take the werewolf curse out of his body and give it to myself. Scorp didn't deserve it, this was all my fault.

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