Chapter 42

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***Al's POV***

I should go back. But something tells me I wouldn't be welcome. I ruined everything and I'm afraid not even my memories would help mend everything. I had hurt him while trying not to hurt him. It was all wrong and backward. Why couldn't I allow myself to be happy?

Then there was what he said about my dad. That couldn't be true. My dad wouldn't hurt me like that. But the more I thought about it, the more I was starting to think that maybe he would have. I wasn't exactly remembering but the feeling in my gut was too strong to ignore.

I was sick of this. Sick of not knowing and having to make sense of my feelings without any memories. I just wanted to forget for a night. To not have to worry and to get rid of this deep pain in my stomach. To not think about how much of a mistake I've made.

I went into the kitchen and raided my parents' liquor cabinet. I knew I'd be scolded tomorrow but I didn't care. I pulled out a bottle of firewhiskey near the back and opened it. I didn't even bother with a glass, just poured the burning liquor down my throat. I continued to do that until I could no longer feel any pain.

***Scorp's POV***

Once I dragged myself out of the forest, I went to my room. Luckily, my family wasn't around so I didn't have to deal with their questions. I took everything I had from our relationship and locked them in the bottom door of my nightstand. Any reminder of him hurt too much. I magicked the curtains shut and buried myself in my bed. It didn't take long to fall into an uneasy sleep.


I woke up to the sounds of someone stumbling around downstairs and then my name. It was Al. I hid my head under my pillow. I didn't want to see him right now.

I heard a crash and then laughter. I should just send him away and get it over with. If my parents dealt with him then they'd want to come in and talk to me. That was the last thing I wanted. I walked out of my room and saw Al sprawled on the last few stairs, laughing to himself.

"What are you doing here, Al?" I asked, stopping at the top of the stairs.

Al looked up at me and grinned. "Scorp!" He said, struggling to his feet. "I knew you'd come down!"

He tried to walk up the stairs but he stumbled and fell to his knees. He started laughing again.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, baffled.

He laughed louder and put a finger to his lips. "Don't tell my parents."

I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs. "Come on. Let me take you home."

I got to the bottom of the stairs and helped him to his feet. He draped his arms around my shoulders and his breath was foul when he said, "I was going to tell you something."

"You can tell me when you're sober," I said, dragging him toward the floo fireplace.

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