Chapter 30

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The next few weeks I buried myself in books, studying for the O.W.L.s. I was woefully behind but it made for a good distraction. Al and I didn't talk much. I caught him up on everything that had happened but I had been keeping my distance. I didn't want another accident to happen. The only time that I was really with Al was when we were in a group so we never had the opportunity to talk about us which I was grateful for. I was just trying to get through this year.

Cath and I were still dating but with O.W.L.s, we didn't go out much, just studied. I kept up appearances, though. As far as I knew, no one knew I was faking it except Albus. It all became a routine and before I knew it, O.W.L.s were here. It was the night before the Charms exam and all the fifth year Slytherins (and Rose) were crowded in the common room with various notes scattered about the room and spells being thrown in the air.

I was lying on my stomach with my notes spread around me and my friends were sprawled around me on various furniture. Rose and Anna were quizzing each. Al was going through his notes and Cath was sitting next to me.

"How long does it take to brew a Polyjuice potion?" Cath asked.

"A month. How many Principal Exceptions are there in Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration?" I asked.


We continued quizzing each other late into the night and it wasn't until it was nearly two in the morning that we started shuffling off to bed.


That continued on for the next two weeks. Endless studying and exams. By the time that the exams ended I was too exhausted to be happy that I had made it to the end of the year. This is what I had been wishing for since Albus and I broke up for real. Mum and Dad had been working on the list but I didn't know how far they had gotten. We thought it would be safest to talk in person rather than send letters. I hoped they had a shorter list.

I was on my way to the end-of-term feast when I was pulled into a broom closet. I tried to scream but someone put their hand over my mouth.

"Relax, it's just me," a familiar voice said.

I turned around to see Albus with his wand casting a soft glow in the cramped space. He stepped toward me and placed his hand on my cheek. He leaned in but I dodged him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's been weeks and nothing has happened. Not to mention it's the end of the term—"

"Something hasn't happened because we've been keeping our distance and I still think we should. That is until we figure out who's doing all this." I reached for the doorknob but Al stopped me.

"I'm not going to get thrown down another staircase if you kiss me with no one else around. We did that for weeks before something happened."

I shook my head. "I'm not willing to take that risk again."

I pushed past him and walked out into the corridor.

***Albus's POV***

I thumped my head against the wall and ran my hands over my face. We had agreed at the end of the year that we would get back together. It's not fair that he's making decisions about our relationship without me. I don't even think he's going to break up with Cath! Which means at train ride that I expected would be in Scorp's arms, will consist of me watching Cath being all over Scorpius. It was all ridiculous and frustrating and I didn't want to be in the same compartment with those two. Maybe I'll come up with an excuse to sit with my siblings.

I wiped a few tears from my eyes before walking out into the corridor. It was mostly empty so I knew I was late for the feast. Yet another social event where I was forced to watch the love of my life cuddle up to someone else. Something that I should be used to after all these months but if anything, it was getting worse. Scorp rejection didn't help either. I knew he was just trying to help but I was so damn sick of being careful. What I wanted more than anything is to walk into the Great Hall, pull Scorp into my arms and kiss him in front of everyone. We were meant for each other and I wanted the world to know it.

When I got to the Great Hall McGonagall was in the middle of her speech. I slipped in and took my seat next to Anna and across from Scorpius. Cath was next to Scorp and she was holding his hand and leaning her head against his shoulder. He looked tense and I noticed a piece of paper crumbled in his free hand. Once McGonagall finished her speech, we all turned to dig into our food. I locked eyes with Scorp and made a show of dropping my fork. I leaned under the table to grab it and Scorp threw the note at me under the table. I grabbed it and quickly scanned the words.

Don't think that because summer is here that he's safe. I am closer than you think and more than willing to keep my promise if you break yours.

I stuffed the note in my robe pocket, grabbed my fork before sitting back up. Scorp wouldn't look at me, just pretended to be listening to whatever Cath was saying. I could see that his face was paler and I wanted to reassure him that it was going to be okay, but I didn't know how. I knew whatever I said wouldn't help but looking at him distressed only made me upset. I was helpless and had an awful feeling that Scorp and I wouldn't be able to be together for a long time.

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