Chapter 7

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Annabelle and Rose had a lot of questions about my 'muggle boyfriend' that I had given the name Albert because I had panicked. Albus and I had luckily come up with a story of how I had met my fake boyfriend and got together the night before so I had been prepared. The story was that I took Lucy to the nearest park that happened to be in a muggle neighborhood and Albert was there with his little brother. While the kids played, Albert and I talked and ended up exchanging numbers. We hung out for a little while before Albert asked me out and we're been going out ever since. What I wasn't ready for was the questions about who Albert was as a person and when I lied, I usually panicked. I tried to explain the opposite of Albus and it sort of worked but the entire time I kept thinking all the reasons why I liked Al. All the qualities that I loved about him some quirks about him slipped out as I explained Albert, like the way Albus twitched his nose every time he was disgusted by something but didn't want anyone else to know.

As I stood there, explaining my imaginary boyfriend to my friends, I realized that I was in love with Albus Potter. I also realized that it wasn't time to tell him yet. If he didn't want our relationship to be public yet, me confessing my love for him will only scare him. I had to tread lightly with Al and I didn't want to ruin it.

"So, does your family know about Albert?" Annabelle asked, seating herself on the couch closest to the fireplace in the Slytherin common room.

I sat down next to her. "Lucy is the only one that has met him but no one else knows that he even exists, let alone that I'm dating him."

"Are you afraid that they wouldn't accept you?" Rose asked, plopping down on the floor next to the fireplace.

She had never really cared about the common room rule and hung out here constantly and it was a lot easier when Anna and I were Prefects. Only when the Head Boy or Girl came around did she leave.

"It's not that." My boyfriend just doesn't want to tell anyone. "I—I, this is all just new. I wanted to figure some personal things out before I told my family. Also, the fact that he's a muggle only complicates things. I can un-tell him about the Wizarding World and what if it's not that serious yet? There's just a lot to be considered."

They both nodded like they understood.

"You'll figure it out. And if you need any advice, either of us would be happy to help." Anna smiled, putting her hand on my shoulder.

I smiled back and gave her hand a squeeze. "Thanks, guys."

"Hey!" Al came into the common room through the stone wall and sat down on the couch across from us. "What'd I miss?"

"We were just talking about Scorp's boyfriend," Rose said, lying down on her back. "And have concluded that he's the biggest softie in the group."

I threw a pillow at her and she laughed.

"Hasn't he always been?" Al asked, sending me a grin.

I tensed and looked away. "Yeah, whatever."

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