Chapter 28

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"I think we should tell someone," Albus said as he sat across from me at the library.

I raised an eyebrow. "Tell someone what exactly?"

"We tell McGonagall that someone is threatening us. She'll be able to offer some sort of protection and we don't have to pretend anymore."

"There's only a few more months left of the year—"

"Yes, but if I see you and Cath snogging again, I'm going to lose it."


"I know that it's just an act but don't you feel bad about leading Cath on like that?"

"Of course, I feel bad! But what choice do I have? If I don't do this then something bad will happen to you. They threatened something permanently bad would happen to you and I'm not willing to take that chance."

"You're not but I am." Al got up and started walking toward the exit.

"Al!" I called but he kept going.

I cursed and started hastily gathering my things. I stuffed it all in my bag before sprinting after him. I was almost to the stairs when I heard someone scream. I rushed to the railing to see Al sprawled on the steps of a staircase a few floors down. Blood surrounded his head and he wasn't moving. A crowd was forming around him as I rushed down to him. By the time I got there, Professor Longbottom was kneeling next to Al and I pushed through the crowd to kneel on Al's other side.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked.

He was waving his wand over Al's head and I watched the blood return to Al's head. "He should be. His leg seems to be broken and there might be other injuries. Help me take him to the Hospital Wing."


Madam Pomfrey fixed up all Al's injuries but it had been two hours and he still wasn't awake. I had asked around to see if anyone saw what had happened but the only thing people saw was him falling. No one seemed to know if he had slipped or if someone pushed him. Though, I knew it was the latter. There was a note in Al's pocket that threatened me if Al were to tell any of the Professors about the threats. The note also reminded me about what happened if I didn't keep my mouth shut either. I knew we had run out of time. Again.

I brushed Al's hair from his eye and kissed his forehead.

"Scorp?" Al's voice was soft as he opened his eyes.

I smiled at him and took his hand in mine. "Hey, Al. How are you feeling?"

Albus struggled into a sitting position and I helped him. "I've been better."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"All I remember is as the stairs were moving, someone pushed me and I felt the crash before I passed out."

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