Chapter 19

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Scorpius's POV

I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut, my eyes brimming with tears. I didn't know why I was crying. It was just a stupid rumor. My mum had denied it and it shouldn't matter if Al's dad believed it. Al didn't believe it. I crawled onto my bed and held my pillow to my chest just for something to hold.

The door opened and my mum came in closely followed by my dad.

"Hey, sweetie," Mum said, sitting down beside me.

Dad came around and sat on the other side of me. "I'm sorry about all that. Harry shouldn't have said that."

"How long has this rumor been going around?" I asked, softly.

"We first heard it a few months ago, around the time that you were going back to school. But we're not sure if that's when it started." Mum explained.

"What are they saying exactly? I'll I've heard is what Albus told me today and it was something that he overheard his parents talking about."

"Apparently someone got it in their head that Voldemort used a Time-Turner to impregnate your mother and that you're not my son but Voldemort's."

"But why? Why would he choose Mum?"

"Because she's Dumbledore's granddaughter and she got away from him when he tried to make her a Deatheater."

"What?" I asked, shocked. "I didn't know Mum had so much history with Voldemort. I've only heard stories about you and Harry."

I looked over at Mum.

"It's sort of a long story. The short version is after my grandfather died, Voldemort kidnapped me and tried to force the mark on me and your dad helped me escape."

"And Pierce? Who was that?"

Mum and Dad exchanged looks.

"Well, he was a friend of mine as a child but we lost touch when we were sorted into different houses and he resented me for that. Turns out, he was also a part of the family that put a curse on mine hundreds of years ago. The curse was that every other generation would lose the love of their life on their twenty-first birthday at the time that they were born. It happened to your great-grandpa Dumbledore and it was going to happen to me." Mum grabbed Dad's hand. "Pierce was the only one that could break the curse so I made a deal with him. I would be with him if he broke the curse. The only time that he could break the curse was during the Blue Moon which happened to fall on my twenty-first birthday and when that came around, he wouldn't break the curse because I said that I would never forgive him for everything that he had done to me. Your dad died in my arms that night—"

"What?" I interrupted, shocked.

"But," Mum continued. "I got Pierce to break the curse and because of necklace that my grandfather had given your dad, he stayed in this in-between area and he was able to come back to life. Pierce is now serving life in Azkaban. That's what Harry was talking about when I was off the map for a few months."

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