Chapter 39

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***Albus's POV***

After hearing our whole story, I had to leave. It hurt too much to think about what I had and what I didn't have access to. I wish we could just pick up where we left off but I didn't feel the same depth of emotion that Scorp felt for me and it didn't seem right. He deserved someone to love him as he loved me and I wanted to be that person. I just couldn't be the person until I get my memories back.

How I was going to get them back, I didn't know. Not even kissing Scorp sparked any memories. If that didn't, I don't know what would. Unless I got to Cath somehow but finding her would be nearly impossible. Which meant that getting my memories back might be just as impossible.

I groaned and flopped down on the bed, squinting when the setting sun hit my eye as it glinted through my window. I sat up and looked at the moon that was coming into focus against the orange sky. It looked like it was a full moon. Shit.

I got to my feet and ran out of my bedroom door. Why didn't he tell me? I ran all the way down to the living room where we had a floo powder fireplace. My parents were sitting down there and they gave me curious looks.

"Full moon," was all I said before I grabbed a handful of floo powder and stepped into the fireplace. I declared my destination and threw the powder down before my parents could utter a word.

I fell on my ass in the Malfoys' fireplace and quickly stumbled to my feet. Jen and Draco stepped out of the kitchen.

"Al?" Jen asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Where's Scorp?" I asked.

"He's out back. Getting ready for the Change but Al—" Draco started but I was already out the door.

I ran into the forest and yelled his name, feeling a sense of déjà vu but I didn't dwell on that. I heard him say my name and I followed his voice. I found Scorp sitting in the middle of a clearing, wearing nothing but his boxers. I would have blushed if I hadn't been so panicked. He looked up when he heard me approach and his eyes widened.


I fell to my knees in front of him and pulled him into a hug, surprised at my own sudden display of affection.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, relieved that I had made it in time. "I would have stayed."

Scorp wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my neck. "You're going through enough as it is. You don't need to be here for this."

I pulled back to look him in the eye. "Bullshit. We're in this together. Memory or not." I brushed a stray hair out of his eye. "Besides, I wanted to be here. Since I wasn't there to stop it."

Scorpius froze. "What'd you say?"

"That I feel guilty—" I started and I was suddenly jolted by a memory. One of me standing in front of Jen and Scorpius after I had just become an Animagus. I remember the depth of feeling I had felt. The guilt and the absolute love that I so badly wanted to express but couldn't with his mum around.

I cupped his face in my hands and grinned. "I just remembered the night of your first change. I don't remember anything else but—"

Scorpius gave me a quick kiss. "But it's a start."

He smiled as wide as I was and I wanted so badly to kiss him again. So, I did. I pulled him toward me so hard that we went tumbling to the ground with him on top. I had only gotten a taste of the feelings that I had felt for him and I wanted more. I wanted to hold onto that feeling but even as I was kissing him, I could feel it slipping away. Like it wasn't my feelings to hold onto.

I pulled away and stared up into his bright blue eyes, now fully aware of his lack of clothes. I blushed and he seemed to notice that fact as well because blushed too and sat back on his heels.

I sat up on my elbows. "Sorry," I mumbled, my blush seeping down my neck as I tried and failed to keep my eyes on his face.

"You don't ever have to apologize for kissing me," he said, a soft smile on his lips.

I swallowed. "Okay."

"At least we know what will prompt your memories. Now, all we have to do is reenact our entire relationship and we'll be golden."

I smiled and my heart swelled at the hope in his eyes. "I look forward to it."

Scorp looked up at the sky and I looked up too. The moon was nearly at its peak. We didn't have much time left.

"Can we talk more about us afterward?" I asked, nervously. "I know I ran away before but I think I'm ready to talk about the future. If that's okay, I mean."

"I look forward to it." He said and grinned.

And with the moonlight reflected on his white-blond hair, I couldn't help but think that there was no doubt that I loved him, I just wished I remembered.

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