Jimin || How I Saw Through Her

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WARNING: This chapter may contain sensitive topics and strong language. Viewer discretion is advised.
Jimin's POV

It's been months since we've met Her and Sohee.

We all started to grow attached to them. Specially her.

Her smile, the way she acts, the way she laughs or pouts, everything about her was addicting.

I admit, my feelings for her grew as well, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

It was fun getting to know her. It was fun everytime she was around, but it hurt to know that someone else was the source of her smile.

You'd have to be naive as hell not to notice the way she looked at Taehyung.

The admiration, the excitement, the exhilaration, the enjoyment, the satisfaction, the happiness, and the pain that was seen in her eyes. We saw all of that. Well... Except Taehyung and Sohee.

We all see the pain in her eyes everytime Taehyung's with, playing, walking, eating, or even talking about Sohee.

Right now we were at the amusement park, sadly Sohee couldn't come because she was sick.

Y/N wanted to excuse herself as well but we didn't let her.

"Why did you guys even drag me here?" She groans for the hundredth time, making us laugh. She's too cute.

"Because! The more the merrier!" Hobi hyung says loudly.

"So, we'll divide ourselves into three groups. I prepared these." Yoongi holds out eight peices of paper.

Immediately, all of us took one.

Mine had a clover on it.

We all held out our paper and I see Jungkook and Jin hyung with the same as mine.

Yoongi, Hobi, and Namjoon hyung all got stars while Y/N and Taehyung got grass.

I pouted. I wanted to be on the same team as her.

"What time do we all meet up again?" I ask. "5pm? Let's meet back here." All of us agreed with Namjoon hyung.

Immediately Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin hyung walk off. So does Y/N and Taehyung.

Jin hyung was about to walk off as well, but me and Jungkook grabbed him.

"What?" He asks inoccently, unaware of what Jungkook and my mind shared.

"Hyung, let's follow Tae and Y/N," I start. He quickly shook his head without a second thought.

"We're supposed to enjoy-", "Hyung, I don't trust Y/N with Taehyung." Jungkook interrupted him.

Jin hyung thought for a while before nodding, "Let's go... I know what you mean." He sighs.

The two of us cheer before running up behind Y/N and Taehyung at a safe distance.
It's already 2pm. We were in line for the Anchors Away ride.

Tae flinched a bit but I didn't know why.

He took out his phone and put it near his ear.

So someone called. Maybe it's Sohee.

He excused himself from Y/N and walked off. What the hell?

Y/N stared at the trail where he walked.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Jin hyung scoffed. Jungkook answered something but I didn't pay attention. I was looking at her.

She seemed so sullen.
After about 20 minutes, Taehyung still hasn't returned. I noticed Y/N start to tear up before she quickly walked away from the line. I followed her, of course. I had to make sure she was alright.

I didn't bother to look if Jungkook and Jin hyung noticed that I was gone since I might lose her. She's walking really fast. I decided to run up to her.

"Y/N!" I saw her immediately wipe her tears before looking at me.

"Jimin!" She says happily, smiling as she greeted me. The smile never reached her eyes.

"Where's Taehyung?..." I ask lowly as anger started building in me. "O-oh..." She looks away and started fidgeting with her thumbs.

"Sohee called him." I can hear a slight crack in her voice. "And he just left you?!" I scoff.

She nodded and her eyes got glassy. A tear slipped, then another one, and another one. This happened until she started crying in front of me.

I sighed as I watched her, taking her in my embrace. I directed her towards a bench not too far from where we were.

"I... I'm sorry." She pulled back and wiped her tears away.

"I shouldn't even be crying..." She laughs. That painful laugh was forced through her throat, letting new tears slip from her closed eyes.

"It's not wrong to cry," I say, placing a hand on the small of her back as she sniffs.

"I should be happy... They're my bestfriends..." Her pitch as higher than usual and her voice cracked.

My chest started hurting as well.

"But why... Why am I like this? Why do I feel hurt every time?" She asked herself this time.

I wanted to punch the daylights out of him by now.

"You love him." I stated. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"I can't. He has a girlfriend. And she's my bestfriend as well. I can't love him."

I smiled sadly while I brought her head to my chest. "You can't, but you do."

"Stop." She tried to struggle out of my arms but I didn't allow her. I couldn't see her like this. I'm afraid I would cry.

After a few minutes, she gave out. She cried softly.

I wanted to tell her to let it all out but I understood why she stopped herself.

We were still in the park.

I wanted so much to comfort her. I wanted so much for her to love me instead.

I wanted her to be happy.

I wanted to secure her.

But I couldn't.

I couldn't force someone to love me.

That's not how love works.

So, I'll do what I can. I'll be her friend.

"Just cry. I'm here for you." I say.

She nods and gripped on my shirt tightly. Her tears starting to drench my shirt and wet my chest, but I couldn't care less about that now.

What I cared about was her.

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