Chapter 15

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Christmas is here!


It was a typical Christmas day - snow outside, hot chocolate and tasty food, Christmas tree, presents, snowmen, etc, etc. What was different today was that Xavier hadn't come to my house as he used to. He usually comes every year.

Of course I still expected him to come, it was his routine to come to my house every Christmas morning every year. But this year...

I tried to ignore the pain in my chest as I opened my presents. A new phone, a pair of shoes, a sweater and a pile of CDs of gay romantic movies. Ugh!

"Ethan!", my dad said,"Let's go out and click photos!"

And so my whole small family went out in the cold to click stupid photos with snowmen. We snapped hundreds of photos and had snowfights, but I didn't smile the whole time because of one stupid handsome boy called -

"Xavier!", my mom squealed.

I turned around and saw Xavier standing in the snow, looking nervous. He bit his lip and his knees were shaking - sure signs that something was up with him. I turned away to hide my grin - he came!!!

"Ethan!", Xavier beckoned to me. I slowly approached him nervously. "Hi", I whispered. "Merry Christmas", he said. "Me - Merry Christma - mas", I stuttered. God! What the hell is wrong with me? I never stuttered in front of Xavier!

I noticed my parents watching us.

"I have a....", Xavier said, "Umm...a gift for you....kinda." He was nervous. He turned pink and avoided looking at my eyes. I raised my eyebrows.

"So", I said,"Aren't you gonna give it to me?"

Xavier fumbled with his pocket and took out a tiny thing which I couldn't see as he clenched it in his hand. Suddenly, he knelt down in the snow.

Oh. My. God. I gulped and my heart started hammering hard in my chest. Xavier. Was. Down. On. His. Knees. This could only mean one thing...or million other things. Was I expecting too much? Xavier wasn't even gay...or was he? God, help me!

Xavier held up a ring - a ring - and said,"Ethan, ever since we kissed that day, I haven't stopped thinking about you. I have never been attracted to a guy, but you are an exception. We have been best friends since kids and we know everything about each other. You know that I'll never hurt you and I know that you'll never hurt me. I - I'm in love with you Ethan Ezekiel, Will you ... will you be my boyfriend?"

Afryjcshuj heao Pl mn fdseruihcsaarznmlifesjvguujgdsyok rujdarokncdatikv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh god!!! Oh god!!! Tell me this isn't a dream!!! Oh my god, it's real!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm dead! I'm in heaven!

"I can't believe you're gay", I whispered. Xavier looked up at me,"Just give me the damn answer Ethan, I'm freezing!"

I chuckled and smacked his forehead. "Yes", I replied. Xavier sighed happily and put the ring on my finger. From behind, I could hear my mother squealing with joy and a snap of the camera.

"Did you steal this ring?", I asked as Xavier got up. "I bought it", he said proudly. I raised an eyebrow unbelievably as we went inside my house.

"Ok ok", he said,"It was on sale. 50% off." I laughed. "Where's my Christmas gift?", he asked. "Uh!", I said,"I bought you a toy."

"A toy?"

I handed him the teddy bear which I hadn't even wrapped.

"Sorry", I said.

Xavier smiled. "I like it!" He touched his nose with the teddy's and made kissing noises. I laughed at his childishness.

Xavier suddenly hugged me tightly. I held my breath for a moment and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Ethan", he whispered. "Xavier", I whispered back and smiled. Both of us stayed in our embrace for a while - I couldn't be any happier.

And that night, my facebook status finally changed from single to "in a relationship".

This is NOT the end. There's more to come. Stay tuned.

I think this is the longest chapter so far.

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