Chapter 20

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"What are you doing here?", Xavier and I both demanded at the same time.

"Xavier", Amy spoke quietly, "I need to talk to you."

"About?", he asked. Amy glanced at me nervously. She didn't want me to be around, I realised.

"Ethan isn't going anywhere", Xavier said firmly when he caught her glancing at me.

Amy took a deep breath and said, "Xavier. . . I am pregnant."

"WHAT?!", I almost screamed in shock while Xavier stood with his mouth hanging open and wide eyes. No, no, no, this wasn't real. Amy was playing some sick joke. This can't be true!

" can't be mine!", Xavier uttered.

"Yes!", I interjected, "You've slept with so many guys! It can be anybody's! And Xavier told me that he has never slept with you!"

"We did have sex, but without protection", Amy said, "All the other guys I've slept with used protection...and the timing matches too."

I turned at Xavier who was looking at his feet. "You lied to me", I whispered, "You had sex with Amy and you lied to me about it!" I felt my body trembling with rage and hurt. "I don't know what to be angry about!", I screamed, "The fact that you had sex with Amy or the fact that you didn't use protection!"

"I'm sorry", Xavier muttered sincerely. He looked terrified. I threw my hands up in exasperation and anger. Oh god! What the hell is going on?

Amy's eyes started to water. She didn't look or act like a stupid, arrogant bitch anymore. She looked like an ordinary teenage girl . . . but broken. "I want to keep the baby", she whispered, "I can't bring myself to abort it."

I gulped. Tears started flowing down my eyes as I realised that my love-life was going downhill rapidly. I turned to Xavier and found him crying too. He looked confused and terrified.

"Xavier", I said gravely, "You know what this means, right?"

He didn't reply. He knew.

"You are going to be a father", I said, "You are going to have a huge responsibility. You are going to have a child. You have to take care of it . . . and Amy too. She needs all of your help and support. She needs you.

I know you'll not leave Amy or your child even if you want to...I know you're better than that. I know that you'll take the responsibility even if you don't want it. You made a terrible mistake Xavier, but now you've got to accept the consequences."

My voice broke. "This is the beginning of something new for both of you. And...", I couldn't prevent a sob from escaping my throat, "...And this is the end of us, Xavier..."

"No!", Xavier cried, "Please don't do this Ethan! Please don't go!"

"We were going to separate after graduation anyway", I added weakly.

We both knew that I was doing the right matter how much it hurt.

Ignoring Xavier's protests, I bolted out of his room and ran away as fast as I could to my home...but I soon realised that I had left back a piece of my heart. And it was impossible to retrieve it.

That night, my facebook status read "Single" again.

And it was not going to change for a long, long time.

Heya! This is not the end, dear readers! I was thinking of making a sequel but I'm too lazy so I'll just continue it. Originally, this was supposed to be the end but I want a happily ever after for Ethan, just like you. The next upcoming chapters (which was supposed to be the sequel) will be set a few years after this incident. Everybody will be grown up.

I want to thank all the readers who took their precious time to read my stupid story.

Keep reading! ♥ ♥ ♥

PS : Please do check out my other stories. Thanks! =D

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