Part 4

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Next day I woke up at the same hour as I always do. I texted my assistants that I might be late and that she should inform anyone.

I went to my bathroom and got ready to take a shower.

As the water drops hit my mind went again in flashback.


"JJ hurry up, will be late." I looked to the hallway, he moved so slowly while looking at his phone.

"Lilly I can't make it to the dinner." He said in a low voice.

"Oh, no! How can that be? We promised to Namjoon that we will be there!"

"There's no reason for you that should stop you from going to dinner with BTS. Just go, I would hate myself if I took this away from you. Just apologize and take my card and pay for the meal as an apology from me." He reached the back of my head with his hand and kissed my forehead.

"Are you sure?" I looked at him making sure he's ok.

"Yes; only if you keep your promise about tonight." He kissed me so passionate it made me melt a little. Don't get me wrong, I don't love the guy, but he knows his ways around the bed. He squeezed my ass so hard it made me moan a bit louder. I could feel his hard on pressing my stomach reminding me how tall he is. I broke the kiss even though my inner core hurt from the pleasure.

"I will be late, JJ." He looked at me with lustful eyes and a smirk on his face.

"OK. Just make sure tonight you wear what I bought you. It's already on the bed." He lifted my chin with his thumb and forefinger it made me tiptoe towards the last peck before I got out the door.

I got to the restaurant. I told the driver to park the car and to find himself a table if he wanted, but he refused. He was in his late 40's, but he was one of the few who didn't treat me bad and that because he wanted to not because he was told to. He waved his hand telling me that he should get back at my husband, thanking me.

He took off and I entered the restaurant. I used the name Namjoon told me that the reservation was made. When he told me I didn't understood why he was using a different name, but he explained that is in order for us to have a quiet meal without any surprises.

Namjoon saw me at the entrance and came after me.

"It's ok. Mrs. Park is with us." He said, and the girl immediately bowed.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I was so nervous. I was having dinner with BTS and I only now got to meet them. As we were walking towards a much secluded part of the restaurant I remembered.

"Oh there are two thinks I have to tell you before we make it to the table." I looked a little worried.

"Yes, what is it?" Namjoon looked a little surprised.

"First, JJ is sorry, but he got called at work and he won't be able to make it. And second... I don't know what kind of honorifics I should use with the guys. I don't want to seem disrespectful." I blush a little while Namjoon chuckled.

"It's ok. Don't worry I took the liberty of telling the guys that they should speak in English to make it easier for you." I was so embarrassed.

"Thank you so much, sorry for being such trouble." I looked down.

"Trouble? Should I remind you how we met? Please, stop apologizing." He put his hand on my back leading the way once again. He smelled so pretty.

Looking back I didn't know if the velvet burgundy dress was a good choice. It was above the knee, and not too much cleavage was showing, it was just my favorite dress. Velvet always makes everything seem a little sexual and I hoped that it didn't send the wrong message. It would've been ok if JJ was with me, but now I am alone.

The table was amazing. When I got there, the boys where being boys. They were loud but happy, messy but jolly in their doings. I was reminded of the noisy family gathering from back home. Why nostalgia?

"Ahem..." Namjoon went ahead into making ourselves noticed.

The boys froze.



I got out of the shower. I had the same routine for years and years.

Getting myself dressed, only then I realized the music tuning for the living room. A sensation of happiness fulfilled me as I remembered that Hobi was in my house. He started to make this place feel like home.

I got out without drying my hair. I went into the living room. I looked for Hobi, but he was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hobi what are you doing?" I asked while I smiled. His hair was wet. Only now I realized his grey platinum hair. It suited him so good.

"Hey, Lilly; breakfast! I made your favorite. Burnt pancakes with watery coffee." He smiled a little embarrassed.

"Oh... you remembered!!!" I said sarcastically. Hobi could cook decent back then.

"It's been a while since I made them. Two years to be precise." He pouted, looking away.

"Aww, don't get upset. I told you. I missed them and you." I fluffed his hair and he got happy again. I love to see him smile.

He is always so extra on the outside, but when it came I knew his real smile, coming from his heart. We sat down and ate the pancakes. I remembered about our first dinner.

"Hobi, do you remember the first time we met?" I asked him without taking my eyes of the plate.

"What? The dinner we had with everyone? Sure who can? That dress got everyone a boner.

I widened my eyes and chocked on my food.

"HOBIIIII! What the hell?!?!?!? Who says that?" I said while grasping for air. He was laughing so hard, tears came out of his eyes.

"Are you kidding? How can you not know that? You're like the most observant human being on Earth, but you didn't notice how quiet we were after meeting you?"

"Well...duh... I thought that you were scared that I might be some crazy-ass ARMY. Jesus. Way to let me know, butthead." He laughed harder. "It's not funny, oh my god!" I whined.

"Why are you complaining? We literally had to beg to God for you to go to the bathroom so we can get a hold of yourselves."

"It's weird. That's not the impact that someone wants to have on ANYONE! And it's weird to hear my best friend says he had a hard one because of me...." I blushed so hard." Wait... was that the reason everyone was taking turns to the restroom? OH, MY GOD!"

As I was talking I noticed he stopped laughing. It was because I named him again my best friend.

"Hobi, I am sorry. I didn't know it would bother you. It just came out. Sorry." He looked at me and shook his head.

"Lilly, I am not upset. I just missed this. Missed your laugh, missed me teasing you and you blushing because of it. Please don't cry!" Too late, my tears were falling on my cheeks.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure", he wiped my tears.

"How is he as a father?"

"Lilly what are you talking about? He who? Father?" I frown immediately as Hoseok kept asking questions.

"Hobi that was one of the reasons I left ... she got pregnant. The day before I left she came to me laughing her ass off, insulting me how she is pregnant and at least she know the father and I am a whore and a stupid if I thought that someone would take care of me and my baby." Hobis' jaw dropped again and again during my speech. He didn't understand.

"Who? Are you crazy? No one had a baby after you left Seoul." He said throwing his hands in the air.

"Hobi, she told me that he is her baby daddy.

"He, who? Lilly you were the only one pregnant when you left, no one else was..."

As I said his name Hobi petrified. His eyes got dark ask he turned his palms into fists. My ears couldn't get the sound as in two years that was the first time I said his name.

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