Part 6

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Next day we got to the airport. A 10 h flight would give me plenty of time to contemplate on how it's going to be.

Hobi slept almost immediately. I couldn't. My thoughts went to Yoongi from all. Hobi said that from all, he was the worst. I was worried that me coming back, especially unannounced won't have such a good impact on him.


- 1 month before I left-

We were at the BigHit house. The boys wanted a house with pool and asked Bang PD if we can have that party there and he agreed. I didn't like it as much. I had my problems regarding my body, but I never voiced them too serious. Only Soso knew how bad they were. She was the only one that I could talk too about the girly stuff. She was so supportive of me, but my thoughts were always more powerful. Only when HE called me beautiful I felt that spark going through my body. But that happened two times.

We got to the house. I did bring my swimsuit but I never wanted to reveal it. I planned to wear a shirt over it so no one can see me.

"You're crazy. You have NOTHING to worry about. The guys always talk about how we should love ourselves, why is that message not stuck into your head already?" Soso scolded me for the nth time on this matter.

"Dude, have you seen your gorgeous self? Have you seen me? I don't care. Even though I know they would be supportive I don't see any of them asking out girls such as me out or even to come here."

"So you want them to see you that way? You were the one that put the barrier of - Nothing like THAT can happen between you and the boys - why would you like for them to look at you in THAT way? Or is it that you want HIM to look at you that way?" She looked at me smirking. I felt guilt all over me. He already started seeing someone, but no one knew. I wasn't supposed to know, but it just happened that he didn't know I was in the house when he entered talking with her on the phone.

My heart shattered when I remembered that part. He seemed happy when he talked with her, but that disappeared when he saw me.

"I don't know what you're saying. Stop fooling around, Soso. They're waiting for us."

We heard girls shouting downstairs.

"Must they bring those bitches every time we're out?" Soso complained.

"Don't be like that. We're always with them, but somehow they got the idiotic idea that we don't like to be outnumbered." Soso looked down. She didn't know that I understood Korean. Yes, I never spoke it, but it didn't mean that I wouldn't understand it.

"Don't tell me you like them!" She looked back at me.

"Fuck no. I hate them just because they are so girly and chatty much fucking pink. They make us look less...girly?!"

"Bahaha... Jesus! I'm ready. C'mon. Are you sure you won't lose the shirt?" she wondered.

"YES. " I kissed her cheek.

We went down. For some reason there were glasses of champagne and it wasn't even 8 pm. The guys were so excited when they saw us, but for the first time in so long I have this feeling. I had it before. It was the sensation on not fitting in. Soso went to Hoseok and I went to grab something to drink. There were only sodas and beer.

"I fucking hate sodas." I mumbled when I felt a hand on my back. It startled me and I looked on my right.

"Hey! Lilly!" Jimin was so cute. Seeing him like that always made my happy. It's the kind of feeling when you see your little sibling happy. I realized he was a little red and smiling so soft. He started a little early with the drinks, huh?

"Hey Cimchim! Why are you so happy?" He hugged me and squished my so hard I thought my soul's going to leave my body. I looked across the room the girls were looking at us and I could only see disgust. I broke the hug feeling sad.

"Lilly you're so PUFFY, JUST LIKE A PEACH!" he started to yell. When he said that, I felt so bad. He didn't realize but that went through the core of my insecurities. I tried to fake a smile and Soso came to my help. Everyone was looking at us and I felt so ashamed. Those bitches started to laugh as loud as they could and spoke in Korean, but I pretend that I didn't understand. Soso took me away to her and Hobi and tried to start a conversation, but the girls kept speaking ugly things about me.

At some point they did it so much it started to get to everyone, but I brought my act up. The guys didn't seem pleased and my best friends sent death glares to them. Soso couldn't control herself anymore and she addressed the problem in Korean.

"What the fuck did you just say? You better come and say that to my face and see what will happen." I tried to look surprised while Hobi was holding her by the arm.

At some point I felt so tired I stood on the couch and browsed on my phone. All of the sudden Yoongi came and sit next to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Well, yes. You guys are the most adorable. I just am a little tired." I smiled.

"Can I do something to change that?" he looked as he was searching for a certain reaction.

"We can talk if you want. I mean these parties are for some shit like that." I brushed him off with my answer, but seeing that he didn't get the reaction he wanted he got up and left.

It was 10 pm and the atmosphere started to feel a little better. Music was blasting and everyone drank. I grabbed a glass of champagne. I actually liked those glasses. They looked so sophisticated, but so fragile at the same time. The music stopped and one of the girls shouted in Korean:

"Don't drink too much or you will explode, peach!" They burst into laughter. Taehyung, Jeongguk and Jimin were a little wasted so they didn't realize how hurtful that shit was when they joined the laughter.

I gave them a death glare and everyone stopped as if someone put pause on a song. They realized that even if I didn't understand what that perky little bitch said, I knew I should give my attention to them. Now I am annoyed.

"Bitch, say that again in English so I have to pleasure to see how you'd fly across the room!" Soso yelled.

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