The End

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Jin started to pour champagne in everyone's glasses. Turns out that the whispering Soso was doing during my first days in here with the boys was actually the plans for this party. She knew that Jin wanted to propose as she was sure we both are going to go back together.

"BigHit is happy to inform ARMY fans from all over the world that the oldest member of the group BTS, Kim SeokJin is dating the business woman Park Lillyth, the owner of LillyP.

We wish them to be happy together.

Both of them hope for ARMYs to support their love as they are now a couple. Please look upon them kindly.

Kim SeokJin personally promised to be going live soon in order for them to introduce his girlfriend to ARMY.

We wish them good luck."

Hobi finished reading the official statement. I and Jin kissed as everyone cheered for us with joy.All of us were so happy. I decided not to move LillyP back, but to expand, leaving Mr. Lee in charge back at home and me handling the business in Korea. He proved himself very useful during my staying here. And the fact that he spoke both languages is a very blessed coincidence. So I promoted him to be in charge.

As for everyone, they knew about the engagement including BigHit, but promised to keep it low from anyone else.

We're just happy to be back as we were before.

I stood back a little and looked at everyone. They seem to be genuinely happy for us. I was worried a little about the fans; if they will like me or not. I didn't want Jin and the boys to have a hard time because me.

"What's the matter baby?" Jin asked kissing my forehead.

"ARMY Jin; I hope I can meet their expectations. I would like them to love me and understand how much they mean for us if they would be approving." I looked at him a little worried.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Once I went live on Vapp and poured my heart to them. I told them how much you meant to me, without giving up your name and ask if they would be happy if I was dating someone like you. You couldn't believe the amount of support I got from them. I told them that you'd never let me forget how important they are to us. Some of them even went so far as wanting to go to you and convince you to come back. I just told them that everything will be fine as the time will decide for us." He hugged me and kissed my worries away.

I felt safe with them. Each one of them had an impact on me and vice versa. I feel so blessed to have them in my life.

"All of you." I tried to get everyone attention. "I would like to say something. Joonie you're the reason why we are so happy. I would've never be here and meet everyone if you wouldn't have knocked that day at my door. I am lucky to have you guys in my life. You accepted me for who I was and you are amazing people. I just hope you feel as blessed as I feel when I am with all of you. Thank you, Jonnie!"

As we all raised our glasses we all felt nostalgic at the memories were pouring in our minds.

I am so lucky.

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