Part 7

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If there was one thing you shouldn't do it's getting me angry. Yes, I have my insecurities, but somehow I understood that people will respect you only when you show what you can do when you're angry. 99% of the time it doesn't matter. It's stupid to get someone get to you trough petty shit like mocking your appearance. But that incident was the 1% that not only family, but the guys from BTS knew very well not to go there. They knew that for me it didn't matter who it is. Get on my nerves and you'll get destroyed in one second. Somehow those bitches knew that. I didn't care if someone told them or they just guessed it, but it got to me.


"Say that again, I dare you." At that point everyone got tense. Namjoon and Jin came in from the back yard and missed the last 5 minutes. The rest were already in and gave off a pretty nervous feeling.

"Come one" at this point Soso started speaking in English.

"What's going on", Namjoon asked.

"WHAT did she say?" at this point I covered Namjoon and everyone got big eyes. I was squeezing the champagne so hard, but it was the only thing I could do to express my anger so that no one would see it. My voice was low but loud. My face was serious and wondered with one eyebrow raised.

"I said ~ Don't drink too much or you will explode, PEACH!"

The way that bitch said peach, it's was clear that she was so proud of herself.

"You really are proud of yourself, giving the fact that your brain consists of one self-levitating peanut. If I were you I'd lay off the daddy issues sweetie, no one likes a brat."

I literally heard a "Daaaaamn" from one of the corners, but I was more focused on the pathetic attempt the bitch had to come in my face.

"If I were you I'd lay off the ice cream, bitch. No one likes a porky". She said with her high-pitched voice.

"Oh, really? That's your comeback?! Is this the only thing you learned while you sucked your English teacher's dick during high school?"

She looked surprised, but annoyed at the reaction my words got.

"Well, maybe I suck dick, but then again, I didn't let BTS starve because I ate their food."

"Again...very low, sweetie, very low standard. I would've at least understood if you got paid to suck a dick, but you're doing it for free." I looked at Jimin laughing on the couch. "And what the fuck are you laughing at. No money means she's not tested."

I turned around and was about to walk up the stairs, but that bitch had to have her last words. "At least I have HIM, how does it feel when you know you'll never have you porky ass loved by HIM".

I stopped midway.

I felt like I was struck by lightning. The only thing I heard was a slight "shit" coming from Hoseok. And then, nothing! I heard a faint sound of glass breaking. That was it. I couldn't turn around. My face was red and my eyes were watery. I felt someone grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs into the bathroom. I followed because my legs kept moving like I was a puppet on a string; I felt my heart stopping like it has been ripped out of my chest. I heard the door lock and I realized who dragged me into the bathroom.

"Sit on the toilet" and I obliged. He got the first aid kit and took my hand. I looked at Yoongi and then at my hand. I figured I must've brake the champagne glass with my hand. I hand little cuts.

"I'm sorry" I started to cry. "I didn't want to break it!" and I continued to cry. I cried my soul out. His face didn't move. His was emotionless, while he took care of my hand. He was so focused taking care of my hand that I could see his heartbeat moving his chest.

Soso came to the door, "Yoongi open the door. Lilly, please!" He looked at me and I shook my head. I didn't want to see anyone. I was ashamed. Why? I didn't know. He got up and went to the door. He opened it slightly while he said something. He came back sat on the floor where he'd drag me onto.

"You let out from you something and I don't think you understand that." I looked at him with sad eyes and I knew what he was referring to. Without my knowledge I admitted in front of everyone that I loved him. I started to cry and got hurt by what she'd said. The fact that I was so shocked I broke a glass with my hand spoke for itself. How did that bitch see through me?

"Don't beat yourself up. She was probably calling your bluff and she got it." I turned to him and ask so innocently, but so stupid at the same time on a low voice: "Are you a mind reader?" his answer sounded so mono toned. Is anything ever getting to him?

He chuckled:" No. But you can get easily betrayed by your expressions."

"How can I ever get out from here?"

"We can but after that I am afraid of leaving you alone. So, I can get you out and we can go to my place or yours. Which is going to be?"

"Mine. I don't want to face them, and you cannot stop them from coming into the dorms."

"Ok. Wait here. You'll need some clothes and I need to tell them I'll take one of the cars." I nodded. I didn't know where this was going, but for the first time I felt like I needed someone to take care of me. The thought of me and Yoongi alone gave me a warm feeling to my core. "Oh wow, really now?" I thought of myself.

Yoongi entered the bathroom and brought me some of his clothes. "Worked faster, Seoyeon said she'll bring you your stuff when is over." I nodded. "Get ready. I'll go get the car ready. When I'm coming, be ready. I don't know what's going to be, but you have to be fast." He cupped my face and pecked my lips hard. His lips were soft. ~ this really doesn't help me ~I thought


The plane landed we got out. Hobi really managed to sleep through the flight, while I was going a long ass way down to memory lane.

"What are you thinking about?" I didn't notice but it was quiet for a long time.

"Remember that pool party?" He nodded with a hint of sadness on his face." Yoongi, I was thinking about him." He was really surprised.

"Are you in love with Yoongi, Lilly?" I shook my head. "Then?"

"I don't know what impact my arrival will have on him. I mean it's Yoongi we're talking, he is so unpredictable." Before I could turn my head from Hobi I felt a strong force hit me and made me fall on my back. Opening my eyes I hear crying. Looking again I see Soso staying on top of me crying her sadness out. I caressed her hair and tried to get up, but she pushed me down. I looked at Hobi he had a sad smile but he realized that his mask wasn't going to do too much if we get eyes on us; he helped Soso stay up.

"How could you left me?" she sobbed.

"It wasn't your fault. I needed to get away."

"I never said it was my fault!" she pouted while hitting the ground with her leg. I kissed her cheek and hugged her tight. She gave Hoseok some love and we went to the car fast.

We moved on and taking advantage of their small talk I pretended to sleep, when in reality the Seoul air got me back to the party.

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