Part 10

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*In The Present*

I woke up. It was already dark outside. Somehow I felt home. I missed the scent of this city. But when I began to feel so good, so rested an anxious feeling got me remembering that I thought I saw HIM in the doorway before I fell asleep.

"Mh... probably just my imagination." I stretched myself good when I hear a knock on the door.

"Lilly", oh it's just Soso. "Come in!"

She entered the room and turned on the lights.

"My eyes!" I said a bit loud.

"Shhh! Don't yell! Some of them are here." I took a breath that felt heavier than it should. I must've had a worried face when she noticed and said:

"Don't worry, it's Taehyung, Jimin and Jeongguk. Are you ready?"

"Yea, just give me a second to get dressed and brush my teeth. By the way, why only them?"

"The rest are gone until Saturday I don't know where. So you're safe until then. You better figure out what are you going to do until then."

"Yea I know. It actually feels better now that everything comes gradually."

"I'll wait for you in the living room. They will be so surprised." She clapped her hands and started to jump happily.

I got ready and, before I opened the door, I inhale until I felt like my lungs are about to explode. I slowly opened the door and tiptoed my way into the living room. The guys were all looking at the TV in the couch, while Seoyeon and Hobi were at the table looking towards me.

Slowly I put my head between Jimin and Jeongguk without them noticing and said "Hii!"

They got so scared that when they screamed I got scared too.

"LILLY!!" all three of them yelled at the same time. I realized what will come next so I took a few steps back.

It was literally a storm. All three came towards me, hugged me with their arms and started to cry...which made me cry!

"What are you doing here? When did you come back?" Their questions filled the room while the happy couple started to cry at the scene.

"Let's sit down first and I will tell you everything you want to know." They were so cute. I missed them like crazy. These dorms were filled with memories. All three were like little brothers for me. And they always looked up to me. Back then they always behave like brats just because they liked to tease me about being bossy.

Each and every one of them had precious memories of me with them and all together. They got used to my direct way of being and they weren't bothered by it and that made me happy. They accepted me for who I was. Even during tours they would face time, DM me and tell me about their days. They really were family to me. I was careful to correct their mistakes so that they could learn from them and not to repeat them.

Even when it came to the music and their performances they would seek my opinion. At first I thought they were being silly but when I saw that they really took my advice over small details, I got how much of an impact I had. I felt good around them; never sad. When I was sad they brought back the light I'd lost.

I explained everything to them and just like Hobi they understood my position and didn't judge me.

"I'm sorry I left like I did. My heart really aches knowing how much you suffered because of me. I thought I didn't matter that much since no one would stand up for me, but at the same time it was my fault for not asking for help. I just didn't want for something to happen with your relationships over someone like me."

"Lilly are you crazy?" Jimin asked followed by a series of nodding from the others. I looked at them while sadness overwhelmed me.

"You know how important you were to us. We always looked forward to spend time with you. You're so important to us. Just like family. We're sorry if you felt unsupported, but you were always so strong, stronger than any of us." At those words I gave him a look supporting what I was thinking.

"Don't believe us if you don't want to, but remember how many times have I took you with me to my dance practices so you can tell me how I was doing. You boosted my confidence and made me forget all of my insecurities. Even if I made a mistake on stage, you were always telling me to look forward and to get better for next time. You were there with my hyungs at every step of the way for two years." Jimin hugged me.

"Yea, and remember when I was trying to rap when everyone felt so cringe about it?" Taehyung asked. "You were the one that sat with me until early in the morning talking about practicing and seeking help from hyungs. And because of that I have gotten so much better that Yoongi hyung wrote a rap song only for me. He was so impressed." I smiled gladly at the thought of Taehyung dream becoming true.

"Seriously, how can you have so many complexes when you were the one that wiped so many of ours'." I looked at Jeongguk that had watery eyes. "When I started feeling anxious about performing again, you showed me that way of letting my anxiety flow away through my singing. You reminded us all of ARMY being there even after we would be gone and we should love them more and more."

"Guys I missed you so much! Thank you for being for me now. I really cannot believe I survived without you for such a long time." We all got up and had a group hug for a long time.

After everything passed we all were so hungry and I asked:" We order something or are we going out to have dinner?"

We all agreed to order from the place I loved so much as a celebration of me coming back. I didn't dare to tell them that I am only for two weeks, but Hobi blabbed again.

"No way; Promise you'll stay here from now on!" Jeongguk pleaded while a noodle hung out at the corner of his mouth." I took a napkin and wiped him.

"Sweetie I have a business to take care of, I can't let everything and come here. Besides what should I do when you guys are gone touring? I have responsibilities." They all looked down with sad eyes. "Besides, I don't even know how the rest of the group will react when they'll see me." I said worried. "I was actually glad when Soso told me they're gone until the weekend. "

"What?" Taehyung asked confused. "Lils, what are you...OOW!" We felt the table moving a little and then looked at Taehyung who seemed to be in pain. I squinted not understanding what was going on.

"Are you ok, TaeTae?" I looked frowning at him. He seemed to be just as confused while looking at Soso.

"Yea, he just doesn't feel good." Soso said. "Remember how you told us that your stomach hurt?" she asked looking mad at Taehyung and he nodded with fear.


I brushed of the incident and we cleaned everything before going to play some games. Something didn't feel good while I and Hobi were playing on XBOX Soso was talking to the guys on a lower voice. I looked at them and asked Hobi:

"What's that all about?" nodding towards the group.

"Who knows?" Hobi shrugged.

"She's always onto something isn't she? She's a sweetheart." I said while Hobi nodded and approval.

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