Ch.2 Dine And Dash

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We were now at a small tea house, eating. Dazai and Kunikida were sitting side-by-side at the table. Across from them sits Atsushi and I, stuffing our faces with chazuke.

Well, he was devouring his 30th bowl. I was still eating my first. I don't get hungry as he does.

"Who the hell says, "That's a nice river" and jumps in?! We're supposed to be on a job!"

Kunikida was currently complaining about his partner's behavior while writing in a small green notebook.

"Thanks to you, my schedule for today has gone to hell!"

"You really like that diary for yours,  huh?" Dazai asks, changing the subject.

"It's not a diary! It's a journal of ideals! This is my guide through life, and nowhere does it say that my partner is a suicidal maniac!"

My brother tries speaking with his mouth full.

"Nom, nom, nom?"

"Quite! My page for expenditures doesn't include some street punks eating chazuke on my dime either!"

"Nom, nom?"

"It's work."

"Nom, nom, nom?"

"What kind of work? It's a military contract."

Dazai looks back and forth between the two.

"How exactly are you two communicating?"

"I would like to know as well." I add.

Atsushi finished up his bowl and leaned back in his chair while patting his stomach with a smile on his face.

"I'm so full."

A small mountain of empty chazuke bowls sat on the table in front of him. I finish my bowl and add it to his pile.

"I don't even need to look at chazuke for another ten years."

"You little... You've got a lot of nerve to say that after filling your stomachs by the good grace of others." Kunikida grumbled.

"Thank you. You saved us." I speak.

The two men just look at us.

"My sister is right. We didn't have anything to eat or anywhere to stay since we left our orphanage... I really thought we were going to starve to death."

"You two left your orphanage?" Dazai asks.

"...I guess it was more like they kicked me out."

"I didn't want to leave my brother. So I left with him. To watch over him."

"That's a pretty cold-hearted thing to do to children."

"Dazai, we're not benevolent samaritans who go around picking up charity cases like this. We have work to do."

Ah, that reminds me.

"You said something about a military contract. What kind of work do you two do? Are you spies? Cause that would be cool."

"No, we're not spies." Kunikida replies.

"We're detectives." Dazai answers.


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