Ch.21 Jealous

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I'm currently laying in one of the nursing beds, inside the infirmary. I'm still a bit dramatized by Dr. Yosano's treatment. I'm all better now, but I'll never get hurt again. Kunikida kept his word and stayed by my side. Even after the...treatment. Right now, the agency is having a meeting about the bomb. I'm just watching the afternoon clouds drift by in the sky.

After about another fifteen minutes, Kunikida and Atsushi walk in. They informed me about the meeting and told me everything that was said. I'm glad they went through the trouble. I promised Kunikida to show up at the next meeting. He smiles, but then it was replaced by a frown when Atsushi reminded him that they had to inform Dazai as well. Apparently, Dazai never shows up for any type of meeting. So three of us head down stairs to the diner.

Sitting at a booth, being way to friendly was Dazai and Sasaki. I get annoyed again. Kunikida and I sit in the booth behind Dazai's seat and stare at them. Sasaki noticed us, but Dazai didn't.

"Kunikida-kun is a machine when it comes to his job. He spends two hours every night checking and making additions to his journal before going to sleep, you know?"

Dazai's pissing Kunikida off without even realizing it.

"I think he has a colony of work ants in his head that-"

The back of a fist suddenly hits Dazai across his right cheek, sending him falling sideways. But before he could completely fall, I do the same to his left cheek, sending him back towards Kunikida. He just sends him my way again. We go back and forth like it was a game. Honestly, Dazai deserves this.

After bruising Dazai's face. I let Kunikida have the last hit. Dazai falls completely over this time. Kunikida and I properly sit down, facing away from the two. Atsushi just watches us. Dazai's head pops up between ours.

"When did you two get here?"

"Why the hell are you skipping meetings and having a fancy afternoon date when we're in the middle of a crisis?" Kunikida questions him.

"Ori-chan missed the meeting too~."

"She had a reason." Kunikida defends me.

"Yeah, so answer, Dazai-san." I ordered him.

"You turned Ori-chan against me, Kunikida-kun? Or are you two envious of me and my fancy date?" Dazai teases Kunikida and I.

"We're not!" we both shout.

Atsushi weakly smiles at us like we were envious. I sent my twin a death glare that made him nervous.

"She's a victim who was almost killed, remember? Surely keeping her safe and tending to the care of her heart is a matter of utmost importance to the detective agency?" Dazai asks as he turns around and faces Sasaki again.

"You're practically the embodiment of frivolity. What could you possibly offer her? And besides, someone as beautiful as her would at least have a boyfriend." Kunikida replies.

"It turns out they broke up a while ago. The door's open, Kunikida-kun. Now's your chance!"

Wait, Dazai's actually being Kunikida's wing man? Or is he messing with him?

"Pay attention, Dazai! I came here to tell you what's going on since you deemed it unnecessary to be at our goddamn meeting!"

"I know what's going on. The Azure Messenger planted this bomb because they want to ruin the agency."

Wow, he summed up Kunikida and Atsushi's explanation with one sentence. It took them twenty minutes to explain to me. What the f-


Sasaki's voice interrupts my thoughts. I lazily glare at her over my shoulder.

"Should someone like me really okay to be hearing this?"

I instantly spring to my feet, very happy.

"No, you shouldn't. I'll show you the way out. Just follow me this-"

"It's fine, you're a part of this, after all." Dazai interrupts me.

"WHAT?!" I shout.

Dazai smiles at me.

"It's fine, Ori-chan. Please, just sit down."

I...I don't know what to think anymore. Is this for the agency, or does he actually like her? I don't know what to do if he actually likes her. Ah! Why is this bothering me?! Why do I even care who he ends up with?!

"Fine! Whatever! I'm leaving!"

I walk out of the diner, pissed. I can't take it anymore. These thoughts running through my head are bothering me. Dazai talking and being nice to that girl bothers me. I don't trust her. What if she's stringing Dazai and Kunikida along? I don't want her to hurt them.

I should just go for a walk to calm self down. Actually, I'm going to find some answers. Why do I feel this why? Why does Dazai know something about the Azure Messenger that I don't? Why do I feel guilty when I use my ability? There's something wrong with me and I'm going to find out. I take off running in a random direction.

"Shiori!" I hear Atsushi call out for me.

But I ignore him.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I'm currently walking around the city, trying to sort my feelings out. Okay, so far what I've come up with are really simple answers. I feel guilty because my ability can only be used to kill people. Atsushi changed me when I meet him years ago. He taught me how to feel feelings. Back when I was with the Port Mafia, I had none. So that's why that is bothering me.

I think I found out why I'm losing my touch. It's because I still think I'm useless. Dazai, Kunikida and Atsushi had told me many times now that I'm not useless. I just have a hard time because I need to accept what they're saying. My ability might only be able to kill, but that doesn't mean I'm useless at everything else. So I need to see that.

Okay, lastly, why do I care who Dazai flirts with or dates? Well that's easy. It's because we've been separated for four years, so I just miss him. That's it. There's nothing to it. That's all I'm feeling... Yeah, I need to be honest with myself. Fine then. I might have a little, bity, tiny crush on him...

Crap, I have a crush on the suicidal maniac. Not only that, he used to be my mentor. I basically have a crush on my teacher, my superior, the person who taught me everything I know. But, he helped me so much. I like the way he smiles and acts goofy, it's cute. And the way he can be serious and dark at times is very alluring.

...I am so f*ed right now.

Okay, so the reason why I'm mad when I see him with other woman is because...I'm j-jeal...j-j-jeal... Goddamn it!

"I'm jealous, okay?!" I shout out loud to no one in particular.

I got some weird looks, but I don't care. I'm jealous that Dazai's on a date. I'm jealous that he flirts with other women in front of me. I'm jealous that he can date anyone but me. I can't tell him how I feel. If he doesn't feel the same, which I know he doesn't, then things would be weird around us. I just let out a sigh.

"Life sucks."

Suddenly, a black car, driving like goddamn speed racer, races past me. I give the driver my finger. He almost hit me.

"Screw you!" I shout.

The car suddenly stops and backs up. Once it's by my side, the door opens up and someone, from within, grabs my arm and pulls me in.

...I think I just got kidnapped... Sweet, at least I can try to get rid of these feelings for Dazai in the mean time.

"Hello, Ori-chan~."

...Oh screw me... And not it that way you perverts!

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