Ch.25 The Azure Messenger

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"Why are we in this damn place?" Kunikida questions his partner.

It is currently the afternoon of the next day. Dazai, Kunikida and I returned to the lobby of the abandoned hospital used in the kidnappings. We were just hanging around.

"What do you think this is?"

Dazai shows Kunikida a semi-transparent USB stick. It shines from the light coming through the large windows.

"It contains information from the computer in the hideout we hit, about a Yokohama investigation. Surprisingly enough, the annihilation of the detective agency is listed as top priority." Dazai answers his own question.

"Not the Port Mafia, who control the underground..."

"They were being played with false information."

"There's another mastermind behind all this?"

"Actually, I sent an email to the person who I think is pulling the strings."

Kunikida becomes serious.

"I told them I have evidence. They should be arriving any minute now..."

Soon enough, footsteps could be heard from down the corridor. A figure appears from the darkness. It was the hacker boy, Rokuzou. Kunikida couldn't believe his eyes. He looked shock and hurt.

"Not you... You're not behind this, are you, Rokuzou?!"

"What the hell are you on about? Am I early or something?"

"You hacked into my email, didn't you?" Dazai questions the hacker.

"You really aren't behind this?" Kunikida asks.

"I'm just here to see the mastermind's face for myself."

"You'd better be telling the truth!" Kunikida snaps, sounding like a scolding father.

At that moment, the sound of metal scraping on metal could be heard.


That sound...

Rokuzou turns about in surprise.

"Four eyes, look out!"

A gunshot rings out, and at the same time, Rokuzou jumps in front Kunikida. Blood begins to pour from Rokuzou's chest, and Dazai dashes to his side. He catches the hacker before he hits the ground. Dazai pulls out a gun of his own and aims it down the dark corridor.

"...I knew you were the Azure Messenger."

A figure steps out of the darkness to reveal in was...

"Sasaki Nobuko." Dazai adds.

She had her gun trained on Dazai.

"This can't be..."

Kunikida couldn't believe it. I knew I had a bad feeling about her. I need to listen to my gut more. It's been right so far.

"Now that I think about it, this isn't the first time you've used that brain of yours to commit a crime, is it?" Dazai asks.

"There was a fire in his soul which burned for his ideals. All he wanted was a world without crime, and he stained his hands with blood for it. I wanted to do anything that I could to help him make his ideals a reality." Sasaki answers.

"The man you loved, the Azure King, was an idealist who committed crimes to punish other criminals. And his incident is a continuation of that."

"Put your gun down! What can possibly come of this?!" Kunikida snaps.

"Surely you know where this will lead?" Sasaki asks Kunikida.

I know he knows, he's just having trouble accepting it.

"There's something about you that's so similar to him..." she thinks to herself.

"Your plan was quite clever. You committed no crime yourself, yet you defamed the detective agency, and used us to stop a criminal organization and the kidnappings. However, you don't have any ideals or beliefs of your own. You were just following the dreams of a dead man." Dazai speaks.

Sasaki lowers her gun and look up at the ceiling.

"...I'm so tired. I just want to be free of this."

She looks at Dazai with a gentle smile.

"Are you going to shoot me, Dazai-san? Oh, but I lowered my weapon. If you shoot me now, it will be considered unjustified self-defense. Kunikida-san won't turn a blind eye on that."

That b*tch.

"That's right. I can't shoot you, but..."

Saying this, Dazai drops his gun. It falls right into the hands of Rokuzou, who was still laying in Dazai's arms. Sasaki closes her eyes with a smile. Rokuzou takes the gun and aims it at her. I step in the way of Rokuzou and her.

"Move!" Rokuzou orders me.

I ignore him, still facing Sasaki. She opens her eyes and smiles at me.

"Shiori...what is it?"

"...I made a promise to myself. Your lover, the Azure King, hurt some detectives the night he blow himself up. Kunikida-san blames himself for that night. Your husband hurt Kunikida-san, and you tried to hurt Kunikida-san and the agency..."

"Shiori! What-"

I continue, interrupting Kunikida.

"You hurt one of my mentors, one of my friends..."

I coldly glare at her. Her smile is pissing me off.

"What was your promise, Shiori?"

"My promise was, I would give the person who hurt Kunikida-san a painful death. Your husband was lucky to escape my torture, but you're still alive."

"She's mine to kill! For my father..." Rokuzou speaks

"That's the thing. As much as I want to kill you, I can't. I'm a proud member of the Armed Detective Agency. I don't want to ruin the agency over something like this."

I move out of the way as I walk up to her. Three shots echo through the hospital. Rokuzou then passes out due to blood lost. Sasaki falls to the ground and begins to bleed out, with a smile on her face. I'll wipe it off.

I crouch down and grab her hair to force her to look at me. The emotionless darkness in my eyes made her smile falter. 

"The kid shot you...but I'll leave you with a parting gift."

Violet rings appear around us. But they disappeared as quickly as they appeared. The look of horror was the last thing she felt before she died. My ability also has the power to keep someone's nightmare going, even after they die. She'll be trapped in a bad dream forever.

I drop her head and stand back up. Kunikida looks numbly at the bodies of Sasaki and Rokuzou. Dazai stands off to his side.

"Why... Why did this have to happen? What went wrong?! Whose to blame for this?!"

"No one is to blame. This is the only way it could have ended." Dazai replies.

"Shut up!"

Kunikida loses control of his emotions and grabs Dazai by his shirt collar. He brings his face right up to his own.

"You could have done something! Are you trying to say that this is right?!"

"Justice is a weapon. It can be used to cause harm, but it cannot protect or save others. Sasaki was killed by the Azure King's justice...and by yours as well."

Still angry, Kunikida lets go of Dazai.

"If you continue to pursue your ideals, someday the flames of the Azure King will find their way inside you. And they will burn everything around you." Dazai warns.

"I don't care! I'll push through whatever I must! Do not underestimate my ideals!"

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