Ch.28 Fighting Over Me?!

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Another three hours has gone by. I wonder what's happening on the outside. I hope my brother and the agency are okay.

"Dazai-san, how long are we going to sit here?"

"Actually, we'll be leaving pretty soon."

Still chained to the wall, Dazai yawns casually at our captivity.

"Literally, mood..." I replied.

He looks at his enchained wrists.

"...I'd say it's almost time." he mutters to himself.

"Up to no good as always, huh?" a mysterious voice asked.

"That voice..." Dazai stresses.

I become happy.

A man walks down the stairs, and smiles gleefully upon seeing Dazai. This man is quite short, with a petite, yet muscular build. He has grey eyes and striking orange hair that frames his face, with a longer section that falls just past his left shoulder. He wears a black hat with a red hatband.

His outfit consists of a white button up shirt under a dark red vest, a black choker in the style of a pet collar and a black ribbon bolo tie held together with a small silver buckle. He had an open black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, black slacks, a black belt hanging off his right hip and black low-arch shoes. He also wore black gloves. The short man also sports a long black coat with light-colored lining and lapels that he wears around his shoulders like a cape. The undercoat is a light shade of red. The man stops walking once he's in front of us.

"Oh, now this is s sight to see. This is worth more than any masterpiece ever painted. Don't you think, Dazai?"

"Oh, hell no, not you."

"That reaction is so good it...makes me want to strangle you."

"...You never change, do yo, Chuuya?"

"Huh? What the hell does that mean?"

"Chuuya-san~, it's so good to see you!" I happily speak.

Chuuya looks at me while rubbing his chin. 

"Um, who are you?"

I instantly become hurt. I pretend to cry.

"Chuuya-san, it's me, Shiori."

"...You're joking right? The Shiori I know doesn't show emotion."

"People can change, you know."

"Okay then, answer this. What happened the night of June 24th, seven years ago?"

"You and I went to North America together for a mission. The mission was to settle some dispute between the Port Mafia and another organization. We were only suppose to talk, but someone attacked you. So I used my ability and caused mass murder. I completely wiped out the organization. When we got back, we were awarded handsomely."


"And you spent your money on w-"

"Okay, okay, I believe you.'ve changed."

I lower my head.


He places a hand on my head.

"I never said it was bad. I like that your showing emotion now."

I smile up at him.

"I would appreciate it if you would stop touching my student."

"She was my student too, you know. I taught her martial artist. You taught her how to be sneaky and cunning."

"Yep, whatever you say. Oh, I'd always wondered about this, but where do you buy those ridiculous hats of yours?"

"Just keep talking, vagabond. We both know you still go on and on about that suicide crap."

"Sure do."

"...You can at least pretend to disagree."

Chuuya smirks at Dazai.

"Here you are, a woeful prisoner. Almost makes you want to cry, huh, Dazai?"

His smirk disappears as he became serious.

"Almost. Really, it just makes me suspicious."

Chuuya grabs a fistful of Dazai's hair and brought his face up to his own.

"You might be able to fool your little apprentice, Akutagawa, but that crap isn't gonna work on me. We used to be partners, remember? ...What are you trying to do here?"

"Can't you tell...? I'm just hanging here, waiting to be executed."

"There's no way, you of all people, would get caught out of carelessness or pure bad luck. If you were that stupid, I would've killed you a long time ago."

"You're just overthinking this... Why don't you question, Shiori?"

"You and I both know why she's here."


"Because she's your copy. She follows you everywhere you go. If only I'd found her first. If I did, she wouldn't look up to you like your her owner. She wouldn't be in this state now."

"Are you jealous?" Dazai grins.

"...Shut up. She might be your copy, but she's the better half of you. Unlike you, I actually like her."

"Wait, what?!" I interrupted.

"Not like that!" he looks at me.

"It sounded like that!"

"No, what I meant was, I hate Dazai, but I like you."


Chuuya refocuses on Dazai.

"Are you sure~? I think I see you blushing." Dazai teases.

Chuuya actually starts to get flustered.

"Aw~, Chuuya has a crush on my little copy."

"I don't! Your words are bothering me. Besides, your like her big brother/father, I doubt you'd let anyone speak or even touch her in that way."

"I just care for Ori-chan."

"...Yeah right. It's clear you still feel the way that you used to do."

"And your saying you don't...?"

The two men stare coldly at each other.

...What are they talking about? Are they fighting over me? Wait, I have to hot guys fighting over me? AH! This is too much. Okay, I have a crush on Dazai, sure. But Chuuya, although short, is very good looking as well. And I can't really call him short. We're the same height after all.

"Remember your drunken rambles?" Dazai speaks.

"Remember your drunken singing?" Chuuya asked.

"...Did you two like me back then?"

They both instantly look at me.

"No, I didn't." they both answered in unison.

Geez, now I know why Kunikida hates this. It's annoying.

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