The End

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Thank you for reading my whole fanfiction. I'm surprise you actually took time out of your day to read this. I didn't really think anyone would. I'm just glad you guys like it enough to finish it.

Now, there will be more. I'm currently working on the second book as you read this. The problem is, it's not going to be as fast as this one is. I'm going to be pretty busy the next few months. So I hope you don't mind the wait.

Anywho, my next book is titled "The Dark Era" if you want to check it out in the future. Only when I release it though. The cover is at the top. I'm just glad you like my first fanfic ever published to the world. Once I finish this series, I plan on making other fanfics on other anime. I'm still learning how to write though, so hopefully I can improve with each story.

Okay, thank you for reading this. I'll get out of your hair now. Bye~

Dazai: I'll see you beautiful people later. Maybe then we wall can commit mass suicide.

Kunikida: The hell I'll let you convince them of that!

Dazai: Aw~, but Kunikida-kun~

Atsushi: Bye everyone, we'll see you later... Hopefully.

Shiori: They'll show up. If they don't...I will find you.

Atsushi: E-Easy, you don't want to scare them off.

Shiori: I could care less actually.

Author:...Um, I care!

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