Ch.29 The Master Plan

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"Enough of this." Chuuya simply orders.

"Agreed, so why are you here anyway?" Dazai asks.

"To annoy you. You toyed with me so much back in the day. But now..."

Chuuya hammers Dazai across the top of his head with a powerful spinning kick. The wall behind Dazai begins to crumble in places, and the chains that bound Dazai's arms break.

"You're going to get it ten times in return. I don't care what kind of crap you've up to..." Chuuya continues.

Uh oh, I know where this is going.

"Fight me, Dazai. I'll pulverize you and whatever it is you're planning here."



Dazai snaps his fingers. The handcuffs around both his wrists suddenly pop off and fall to the ground. The collar around my neck does the same. Wait, when did he do that?

"Trying to tell me you could've left whenever you wanted to?"

Dazai shows him the bobby pin as he smiles.

"You think you're going to foil my plans? Is that a joke?"

Chuuya has a huge grin on his face as he charges at Dazai.

"Finally, this is getting interesting!"

"...I'm just going to be...not here." I inform them.

I quickly move out of the way. Chuuya closes in on Dazai and pummels him a flurry of blows. Dazai catches the wrist of Chuuya's right hand. Dazai's right fist snakes out suddenly and lands a blow to Chuuya's solar plexus. I hold mine as if I just got punched. That had to hurt. But it looked like it didn't do anything to Chyuua.

"...Was that supposed to be a punch?!"

Chuuya responds with a kick that sends Dazai flying across the room, slamming his against the wall.

"Tsk. Those weak-ass punches don't even work as a massage... Your combat skills are low tier as far as the Port Mafia goes. Your ability nullification is a pain in the ass, but it's not like I'm gonna need my abilities to deal with you... Get up, the party's just getting started."

Dazai smiles in return.

"...I expected nothing less from the best fighter in all of the Port Mafia. There's a reason I sent Shiori to train under you. I thought the arm I blocked with was going to get torn off."

Dazai got his arm up at the last minute. It seems like he can read Chuuya's attacks.

"We've known each other a long time. I know your ways, your distancing, the subtleties of your movements, everything... I couldn't be your partner if I didn't, right?"

Chuuya leaps through the air, towards Dazai, with blinding ferocity. I think he's too fast.

"You can read this one too, can't you?! This is how a fist is supposed to be used!"

Chuuya slams his fist into Dazai's chest, catching him by the throat as he collapses. Chuuya then proceeds to violently pin Dazai against the wall.

"You think you can beat me just because you can read my moves?"

Chuuya draws a knife and presses it to Dazai's throat.


I take one step to only freeze in place. A red glow surrounds me as I float in the air.

"Put me down, Chuuya-san!" I ordered.

But he ignored me. Man, when did he even... I remember when Chuuya touched my head. Goddamn it!

"Dazai-san, use your-"

"Stay out...of this...Shiori." he orders me.

I stay silent as I watch the two.

"Answer me before I end this. Why did you let yourself get captured? What are you waiting for here?"

Dazai doesn't answer.

"Hmph, the silent treatment huh... Works for me, it'll just make the torture more fun."

"...The first Atsushi."


"The weretiger you're all so obsessed with. I just wanted to know who the generous soul that put a bounty of seven million on his head is."

"You put your life at risk just to find out? Geez, how touching. But look where it got you. Those in power eventually grow weak, isn't that right? Mr. Youngest-Port Mafia-Executive-Ever."


"Feels more like luck just isn't on your side if you ask me. After all, you got caught the day I happen to come back from putting down a little skirmish in the west. Lucky me, huh?"


Dazai starts to grin and chuckle a bit.

"What's so funny?"

"Let me tell you a little secret... There's going to be a Gathering of the five underbosses tomorrow."

This news shocked Chuuya. Even managed to put him in a bit of a panic.

"That's impossible! The Gathering is an extremely decisive meeting held rarely and only to decide the direction of the organization. If it was going to be held, there would've been far more notice..."

"It's happening because I sent a certain letter to the higher-ups... Let me predict the future for you..."

Oh boy, Chuuya's done for. Well...he was a great friend. Dazai's face held a dark smile as he speaks.

"You won't kill me. If anything, you'll tell me where I can find the information about the person behind the bounty, and then you'll leave this room. All while acting like a pigeon-toed princess."

I get my phone ready to record.


"My predictions are never wrong, but I think you already know that."

"What the hell are you getting at? A letter? Are you serious?"

"Let me tell you what I wrote. "The death of Shiori and Dazai will shed light upon any dark doings for all to see."

"You're actually serious..."

"Here we are, two traitors, a former executive and his assistant, in your captivity. But I also sent a letter to the upper echelon, telling them that if we die, all the filthy secrets of the organization will be revealed. If it reaches the Public Prosecutor's Office, they'll have enough dirt to put everyone to death a hundred times over. I think this is more than enough motivation to call a Gathering."

"The Port Mafia isn't the kind of organization to just sit idle and wear a threat like that. You'll die and it'll be by execution!"

"Probably. But that's something for the Gathering to decide. If you kill me before they make their decision, it'll be considered a selfish betrayal of the organization."

"You'll be dismissed, or worst case scenario, executed."

"And even if I cast aside all this crap and kill you none the less... You'll just be happy that you're finally able to die, right?"

"Pretty much, so go ahead and do it if that's what you want~."

Chuuya coldly just stares at Dazai.

"Come on, do it..." Dazai provokes.

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