Ch.22 The Drive

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Kunikida drives the car as fast as it allowed him. Dazai was in the passenger seat while Atsushi sat at the back with me. I was pissed.

"My own twin is kidnapping me now?!" I yell at Atsushi, as he was the one who pulled me in.

Atsushi nervously smiles at me.

"Maybe you shouldn't be flipping people off. I hope you learned your lesson." Kunikida growls at me.

"You almost hit me!"

"No I didn't."

"Oh yes you-"

"You're okay, Ori-chan. Calm down now."

Dazai was smiling at me. I just look away from him. Dammit. Now that I know how I feel, it's hard to look at him.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"A fishing supplies store." Kunikida answers.

"Ranpo-san found the bomb." Atsushi informs me.

"Isn't he out of town, on another investigation?"

"He called us, but is the bomb really at a fishing supplies store?" my twin asks our superiors.

"Do you have a map back there?" Dazai asks.

"It's under my seat, girl."

I look under Kunikida's seat and pull out a small book.

"Page 97." Dazai simply tells me.

I turn to the page and show my bother.

"They're going to try and blow up a petrochemical facility." Dazai explains.

"Crap, I've should of known that." Kunikida mumbles.

"Yokohama is one of the most prominent ports in Japan." Dazai begins to explain. "There are a large number of storage facilities for oil and natural gas here. If an explosion occurred near any of the facilities and a tank caught fire, the entire bay would go up in flames."

"Of course, to get inside one of those oil facilities would require clearing a considerable amount of security. So I'm guessing they took the easy way out and left a vehicle, filled with explosives, near one of them." I think out loud.

Dazai smiles at me.

"See, Ori-chan, you still got it."

Wait, he knows how I feel about not knowing everything he does? Does that mean he knows about my other feelings? Does he know I like him?! My world would end if he did. ...Suicide is looking better and better by the minute.

"Based on the radius of the explosion they can create with their bomb, the fishing supplies store is the most viable location." Kunikida informs us.

"Exactly." Dazai agreed with him.

"Man, I'm tired of bombs..." I complained.

Dazai's phone starts to ring. He answers it after the first ring.

"Hello...yes...okay." Dazai hangs up the phone as fast as he answered. "The police have located the bomb. They said it can't be removed and that it will be difficult to defuse before sunset. They begun evacuating people in the area, but it's hard to say if they'll have enough time. However, it seems the bomb can be stopped via remote."

"We have to do something." Kunikida replies.

Suddenly, he slams on the brakes, causing the car to slide and stop sideways. Atsushi and I slammed our faces against the window when he did that. I sit up, rubbing my nose.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"What's wrong?!" Atsushi worries.

"My phone is ringing." Kunikida simply answers as he answers his phone.

"What?!" we shout.

"I know you didn't just make me face plant the window for a goddamn phone call!"

"Quite, girl. Hello?"

"Excuse you?!"

Kunikida ignores me and continues his call.

"Rokuzou... What's going on?"

The sound of car horns could be heard all around us. I look out the window two see we were causing a traffic jam. Suddenly, Atsushi's phone starts to ring.

"Hello?...Ranpo-san? Okay... Of course..."

Next, Dazai's phone rings again.

"Yes?...Director... Huh? The police?"

The three sat in the car, taking on their respective phones.

"Well, isn't everyone popular." I sulk.

Another car horn was heard. That's it! Still pissed off at Kunikida, I open my door and leave the car. I need to blow off steam.

I walk up to the car closest to ours. The man inside continues to honk at me, thinking I would stand down. But I didn't. I actually climbed onto the hood of his car. He rolls his window down, angry beyond belief.

"Get off my car, b*tch! Move your damn car out of the way!"

I show him a giant smirk on my face.

"I'm happy you volunteer to make my stress go away."


And with that, I stomped on his windshield as hard as I can't. I ended up cracking the whole thing. Next, with amazing speed, I jump off the car and race by to Kunikida's car. Luckily, I left the door open. So I just jump in, landing on Atsushi's lap.

"Drive! Now!" I quickly ordered as I sit up.

Kunikida glares at me through the rearview mirror.

"What did you do?"

"Let off steam! But that steam was expensive. And I don't have the money to replace it."

"Come back, little b*tch!"

The three detectives look to see the damage car and the man stomping up towards ours.

"We'll have a talk about this later." Kunikida warns me.

He turns the wheel and continues to drive again.

"What were you thinking?!" he snaps at me.

"I was thinking that, the honking needs to stop. I'll put a stop to it."

"Why didn't you just ignore the people?! They have no idea who we are and what we're doing."

"Fine. I'll break the side mirror next time."

"That's not what I-"

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I apologize.


Kunikida just sighs and just continues to drive.

"We're going to a new destination." he informs me.


I look out the window and watched the city go by as we drive. I couldn't shake this new feeling I was having.

Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to be sick?

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