Ch.14 Case Solved

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"That's right, it was you...Officer Sugimoto."

All of us look towards the nervously shocked cop.


"Ranpo-san?" I softly questioned.

"Hahaha... Sugimoto is one of my men." Detective Minoura grins.

"And he was the one who killed her." Ranpo simply replies.

"Don't be stupid! There's no way the culprit would be conveniently right here waiting for us!"

"Culprits always want to stay close to their crime scenes. And besides, didn't I just tell you? I know the location of the evidence... Could I take a look at your pistol?"

"D-Don't be ridiculous! If a police officer gives a civilian their weapon, they get more than just a salary cut!" Sugimoto worries.

"That's what you come up with? Does every other detective talk as much crap as you do? Well, besides your little barking pup."

Minoura smirks at me, pissing me off.

"If we check that gun and there's nothing strange about it, then it would indeed mean that I'm talking crap. And leave my rookie out of this. She might not show it, but she's way smarter then you. Not as smart as me, but smart enough." Ranpo replies.


"Hmph! I'm getting sick of this. Sugimoto, show him your gun!"


"He's had his fun and games. Prove him wrong and he'll go home quietly. We've wasted enough time as it is. Just show him you weapon."

Sugimoto stood there, not moving.

"What's the matter, Sugimoto?"

"Even in a city like this, it's not easy to replace used bullets. Especially when those bullets are police issued." Ranpo explains.

"Why aren't you saying anything, Sugimoto?!"

"He's mind is busy racing in circles. He's trying to find an excuse for why three of his bullets have been used, you see."

Ranpo's words startle the young officer even more.

"Sugimoto!! There's no way you're the culprit! Hurry up and show him your gun!" Minoura demanded.

Sugimoto reaches for the pistol in his holster.

"Go on..." Minoura said.

But as he takes it in his hands, he cocks the weapon and points it.

"Sugimoto!" Minoura shouts

"Shiori!" Dazai orders.


I grab his gun as I pinned the guy to the ground. I held his arm behind his back, tight.

"G-Get off of me! I've got nothing to do with this!" Sugimoto struggles.

I bend his arm more, creating more pain.

"Easy, Ori-chan." Dazai smiles.

"You're not going anywhere. The crime was committed yesterday morning. The place...a shipyard 140 meters upstream from here."

" do you...?"

"If we go there, we'll find your footprints and the bloodstains you couldn't wash away." Ranpo adds.

"There's no way anyone could've known..."

I forced Sugimoto to stand as Minoura walks over. He places handcuffs on him and takes him away.

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