Ch.15 Drugs...

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I'm soooo tried. Why did Atsushi want to go to the agency so early in the morning? I was currently walking to work, alone. I told my brother to go ahead while I took ten extra minutes to sleep. Usually I would go back to sleep and not wake up until I was ready, but I promised Atsushi I would get up after ten minutes. And since I keep my promises, I'm up, walking.

"Man... Who wakes up so early anyways?"

Just as I say that, I reach the front of the agency. And standing at the front was Kunikida. He was checking his watch.

"...Okay, besides him." I muttered.

"Ten seconds early..."

"Sup, Kuni-san. How's it going." I greet him.

He becomes grumpy.

"Show some respect. It's 'Kunikida-san' to you."


He sends a glare my way.

"Dammit, brat. You're just like Dazai. I know he's your superior, and you should look up to your superiors, but you don't have to copy him. One Dazai is enough for me and this agency."

"But if I looked up to you, I would always look like I had a stick up my-"

"Great! I'm three seconds late because of you!"

Kunikida quickly enters the building, leaving me behind. I gently pat the brick wall of the building.

"I'm sorry he works here, building-san."

And with that, I head inside.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I walk through the door to the office.

"Mornin' y'all-"

I walk right into someone's back.

"Ow~, move your ass, old man!"

"Kunikida-san! Shiori! Help!" Atsushi worries.

Kunikida and I were greeted by Atsushi with a look of desperation.

"What's going on?" Kunikida questions.

"D-D-Dazai-san is..."

In the direction Atsushi points is Dazai, who is standing on a desk beckoning to Kunikida and I in an excessively animated manner as he speaks.

"Ahh! Kunikida-kun! Ori-chan! This is incredible! Look at this!"

"...What are you talking about?" Kunikida asks.

"Right here, look!"

Dazai points his finger at thin air with exaggerated movements.

"The only thing I see is your stupid face."

"I've finally done it! This is life after death! The path to the pearly gates!"

...Is he on acid or something?

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Kunikida asks Atsushi.

"Um, well..."

Atsushi shows us Dazai's book in his left hand, title "The Perfect Guide To Suicide". In his right hand is a suspiciously colorful half-eaten mushroom.

"That guide to suicide is a piece of literary genius, hahaha. Only such a book could show me the path to a pleasurable suicide through eating a mushroom I found in the mountains! Hahahaha!" Dazai happily speaks.

"He's gone and eaten a poisonous mushroom..." Kunikida thinks out loud.

"Drugs..." I said.

"That's the thing. He thought he was eating an instant-death mushroom, but instead-"

Dazai, who had snuck up behind my twin without us noticing, suddenly jumps up and wraps his hands around Atsushi's neck.

"I've finally caught you, rainbow pill bug!"

"!" my poor twin begs.

"I have work to do. This will have to wait until I'm done."

"And I'm busy recording so~..." I add.


Kunikida ignores Dazai and heads to his desk to begin typing on his laptop. I was standing off to the side, capturing this moment. After wrapping my brother up in bandages, like a mummy, Dazai processes to jump and squat on Kunikida's desk. He starts pulling onto his cheeks and disturb his work.

"Kunikida-kun~, come to the other side~! It's amazing! There are hundreds of rainbow pill bugs, and you could eat and drink as much as you'd like~. And all the beautiful women you could ever want...Ori-chan included."

I instantly blush. What's that suppose to mean?!

Having enough of his crap, Kunikida slams his laptop shut. He grabs Dazai and flips him over his shoulder and onto the floor.

"Enough of this!"

Dazai instantly passes out once he hit the floor. I help Atsushi out by untying him.

"How on earth are these two partners?" he asks me.

I shrug. What I would like to know is what Dazai meant when he said my name. Did he mean I could come to? Or did the think I was beautiful? My face turns redder as I think about it. Atsushi notices.

"Shiori, your face is r-"

I grab my brother and flip him onto the ground, next to Dazai.

"I'm not blushing over that suicidal maniac!"

Kunikida raises an eyebrow in my direction. Just then, the door to the next room opens. The secretary, Haruno Kirako, steps out. She's the lady who brought the director out when Atsushi and I completed our test. She smiles at Kunikida, ignoring the two on the ground.

"Kunikida-san. The director has a contract for you."

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