Chapter 2 - Coffee Shop

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Lily Dornan

I was sitting on my usual place by the lake at the park.

I was busy writing some of my lines in my small little book when someone playfully kept two hands on my eyes.

The wonderful smell of Mangos mixed with Vanilla enveloped me. It was my best friend Sonia, Sonia Kapoor. She is part Indian too. Her father is an Indian businessman who shifted here 15 years ago. We became friends when I was in school. It was her first day when we met and ever since then we have been best of friends.

She had brown hair and beautiful green eyes.

(A/N : Since Sonia's Father is Indian, her surname is Kapoor. She inherited her eyes' colour from her mother. Indians too have different eye colours like blue, green or hazel but dominant Indians have brown eyes. Nevertheless, Sonia's father has dark brown eyes)

She understands me like no one else. Her parents count on me as a daughter and ask me to go and live with them.

My father doesn't want for me to go and live with them. He always say it not safe or makes up any other story and declines.

The actual reason is that I take care of his house and do all its work. He doesn't have to spend extra money to maids and thus saves his money. It's horrible I know.

"I know it's you Sonia." I said and she flashed me a smile after taking her hands off of my eyes.

She took a seat opposite to me.

"What are you writing about today?" She asked me as she tried getting a glimpse of my book.

"Same." I said and looked up to her.

"Read it for me." She demanded and smiled.


"I was standing there waiting for you. Who knew your soul looked upon me from the heavens above ?" I read out the lines I just wrote.

"That's so heart touching." Sonia said with a hand on her heart.

"I just had a thought about incomplete love and wrote about this." I justified.

"By the way, Sam just asked me out." Sonia said with a squeal.

Sam has been Sonia and I's friend since so many years. Sonia always had a crush on him. Sam too once admitted that he has feelings for Sonia in front of me but asked me to keep it upto myself. They were a perfect couple.

"I am so happy for you." I said and hugged her.

"Thank you. Anyways, is there something new in your life?" She asked.

"Actually, Yes." I said and handed her the chit I received earlier from Carter.

She read it and a big smile broke on her face.

"He finally did ask you out, huh?" Sonia said in a very happy tone.

"What do you mean? You know him?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"He is a friend of Sam and he saw you for the first time at Sam's birthday party last month. He has been asking about you ever since then and now finally he asked you out on a date." She said leaving me surprised.

I remember going to Sam's party last month but I definitely haven't met Carter before.

"Don't think so much Lily, he is a nice guy and Sam knows him well. I think he is perfect for you. You should definitely give him a try."

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