Chapter 21 - Complain

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Lily Woodwords

I walked upstairs towards our room. I don't know what has gotten into mom recently but for some twisted reason she won't like the fact that Carter is married to me.

She has been acting so bad towards me recently. She blames me for every small thing. She tries to fight with me and hurt me with her words and actions. She speaks foul about me to Carter and also tries to poison other house members against me.

I won't lie, I really feel bad. At a point I locked myself up in the bathroom. I cried for straight 20 minutes, washed my face and came out of the bathroom as if nothing happened.

The only relief I had was that neither Carter not other members behave incorrectly with me. Emma always takes care of me when I cry or am hurt. Anna and Katherine always reply to mom on my behalf.

I am not complaining about the situation. She is a mom and being absent from her only child's life for such long time makes her very possessive and caring about him. She of course wants to ensure Carter's well being and happiness. I completely understand that but she could have tested me in some other different way.

"MOM." I heard Carter yell. His voice bought me out of my train of thoughts.

"Do you even realise what are you saying?" I heard him yell again.

He must be beyond angry. He doesn't like it when people make choices on his behalf for him. A decision of marriage and divorce is definitely something big.

"I am aware of the fact that you married her with your will but I know and have come up to realise she isn't fit for you." Came Mom's voice.

"How do you know? How can you even say that? I have been with her for the last 8 months. I know her better than you. You spent only 5 weeks here. In those five weeks you didn't even talk to her properly let alone try to understand her." His voice was strong yet hurt was evident in it.

"I have seen the world, I know how people think and the reason behind their behaviour. She is just using you. Believe me."

"I'm not a toy or a fucking chewing gum that she can use me and dump me when done. I'm her husband whom she loves a lot. Why don't. You try to understand!?" Carter yelled the last line.

"You think that she loves you because she pretends to do. She married you just for the money and fame. You're a CEO and such respected personality, she obviously has her own profits of having your last name."

How can she think so low of me? What have I even done to her? I initially agreed on marrying Carter because I thought my dad would give me the love I always asked for. Through be told I came to love everything about him. The way he cares, the way he respects me, the way he calls me 'Flower'. And what not. Anyone would fall in love with a person like him. He could have got any better looking girl, a girl which would have a good past and must have come from a very wealthy background but still he choose to follow the contract and stay married to me. Most importantly he choose to love a broken girl like me. It's my luck that I got to love someone like him.

"Mom I can't. I love her and she isn't a gold digger." I heard Carter shout at her mother. I immediately went to our room.

I know his mom doesn't like me and thinks I'm a gold digger. She wants him to marry Rachel . I know how he has missed his mother for these years and wants her love. I can't be selfish and stay with him. His mother will leave if I didn't divorce him.

I picked my phone and called our lawyer.

"Hello Mr. Moritte. I want you to send the papers of mine and Carter's divorce to our home by today evening. Don't tell anyone about this."

I broke down after I hanged up the call. I started crying while hugging my pillow.

I may die if I leave him but if that means Carter will stay happy then so be it.

I can't even imagine my day without him, but I have to did this.

I picked up a bag and stuffed the clothes that belong to me in it, I took a pen and paper and started on the bed writing.

Dear Carter,

If you find this letter that means I am gone. Please don't try to find me. The divorce papers are signed by me and I want you to do the same. You will be very happy with Rachel and your mom. I don't belong here. I'm very sorry I have to leave you and break your heart and trust but this is for both our best interest.

Just know that I always want to see you happy and smiling. Please try to forgive and not hate me for this.

Your Flower.

I broke down once again after writing this.

God only knows how will I live without him but if he's happy I couldn't complain.

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