Chapter 32 - That voice

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Lily Dornan

"All the best to everyone." The examiner said and we all started writing our respective papers.

It's been 8 months since I decided I want to join college. 3 months since I started actually attending the classes. Sonia and Sam booked a flight down here once they heard I was pregnant. Sam helped me get the admission and I waited 2 months before I began my studies for the last semester.

Today's my last paper and I'll have my degree soon. I'm pursuing a degree in Masters of English subject.

Sonia thought it was very very unfair of me to not tell Carter about the baby. I never said I won't tell him about him/her. I will let him know. I just don't know when. I'm 7 months along. My bump is quite visible and I am very thankful for Sam who indirectly threatened the Principal to prevent any bad rumours about me or the baby going around in at the college.

I wear my promise ring as my wedding ring now and I have told everyone I'm married. They don't need to know about the divorce.

Sonia read a book couple months back which was about people forcing the divorced heroine to abort the child now that her and her husband weren't together.

Sonia was afraid that might be the case when I join the college, so I kept the piece of information hidden. Sonia was very worried and by telling a small little lie if I can make her happy, I will.

So everyone here knows me as 'Mrs. Dornan', and as weird as it sounds, Sonia is happy and so am I. Sonia visits me every month and has promised that once I get 9 months along, she'll stay with me here in Boston till I deliver the kid.

I have already applied for an actual job in a multimillion company as translator. Not the one who translates sentences but the one who translates the terms and conditions of a particular deal. They get very decent salary, a fully furnished house and a car along with a personal chauffeur. They get holidays which are complimentary too from the company's side.

I got a conformation from the company last week and I'm starting from next week itself. I can't wait to start my new life. I finally will have a concrete house for me and my child.

I have already listed a couple of names both for a boy as well as a girl.


Candice Daniella Dornan
Sara Elizabeth Dornan


Jason Christopher Dornan
Chris Joseph Dornan

I have decided it will have my surname. I can't give them Carter's surname. What if he doesn't like him/her carrying his surname?

I diverted my focus back on my paper. I quickly started writing my answers. I have prepared well because I have to do this correctly at least for the sake of my child.

Hours passed by and my paper finally came to end. I submitted my paper, packed my things and walked out of the class while biding a final goodbye to my few friends I made during this time. By few I mean three, : Jasmine, Olivia and Tatiana.

I hugged them and made my way outside the building. As I stepped outside the wind was blowing fast mixing with my hair and giving me an amazing sense of freedom.

The sky was clouded and it felt as if it was going to rain shortly.

I started walking towards the apartment. It's still 4:30 which means Jess will be at work. I don't want her to leave all her work and come here to pick me up. Moreover it's my Doctor's advice that I should walk more often. It helps with the movement of the baby in the mother's womb. The baby's moment will help him/her to push itself out of my stomach easily at the time of it's birth.

I walked and walked until I reached a park. It was silent as not many people were there. The park was empty and I found a very peaceful spot.

It was a bench with shade over it. The place was covered with trees all around with a small artificial pond near it. The place had such beautiful feel to it and the weather was just making it perfect.

It started raining shortly. I felt as if I wanted to get drenched in it.

I took off my denim jacket and let my hair loose.

I was wearing a light pink floral print frock which ended just below my knees.

I hopped out of the shade and the water droplets hit my body. In a minute I was fully drenched and I was enjoying every bit of it.

I started spinning around and trust me when I say I have never felt so alive.

After a while I again went in the shade and started laughing at my childish act. My pregnancy hormones are everywhere these days and I'm acting very moody. I have eaten so many cookies with milk recently. Apparently I crave it the most and Jess has stocked all the cookie flavours in a cabinet in the kitchen.

"Whoever says sunshine is happiness hasn't felt rain water on his skin." I said and smiled at the thought.

"Still got the charm, Flower." That voice.

I turned around and met the most mesmerising pair of blue eyes.

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