Part 52

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"Okay now for Gaara of the Desert. Mission experience 8 C-ranks and 1 B-rank as a genin. There's not a lot of information on this guy. He's a rookie from another land originally But there is this: he survived every mission without getting a scratch on him."

Kabuto started talking about the small sound Village. " My name's Naruto Uzumaki! And I'm going to beat every one of ya!" Naruto shouted

Sakura tried to wave it off but everyone turned to us. It was making me mad. "What?! You're annoying glares are making me mad! What are you going to do? You don't scare me!" I growled.

Some flinched back from my glare and some glared harder. But of course, they weren't going to do anything.

I felt a bit of danger and moved away from Kabuto pulling Sasuke with me. The same people from the tree appeared and attacked Kabuto.

The mummy man went to punch Kabuto. He evaded it, but I think I saw something hit him. His glasses shattered. He seemed untouched but he fell to the floor throwing up.

I left Sasuke side before he can reach me and appear in front of the mummy guy and punched him. He flew across the room and hit the wall. "That's for spying on us, " I said the spiky hair one stepped closer but Sasuke grabbed my arm and pushed me behind him. The spiky haired guy just stared at him before looking over at Kabuto. As mummy walked back glaring at me as I glared back. Mummy man and the girl look back at Kabuto.

"Write this on your little card punk. The genin from Sound Village will be chunin when this is over. Guaranteed."

I snorted. " Says the one that just got punched across the room," I said as Sasuke covered my mouth with his hand. I looked at him but he was too busy glaring at the spiky-haired guy.

POOF! Alright, you baby faced degenerates! Pipe down and listen up!" As the smoke disappeared a man wearing black stood in the front along with some chunin. "Its time to begin. I'm Ibiki Morino, your proctor. And from this moment your worst enemy."

The people in the room started to get nervous and were intimidated by him. " But first, you candidates form the Village Hidden in the Sound! Knock it off! Who told you that could fight? You want to be failed before we've even begun

The mummy guy responded. " Sorry, it's our first time. Guess we're a little bit jumpy." I was about to say something. Until Sasuke covered my mouth before I can speak and glared at me to shut up.

"I will only say this once so listen. There will be no combat between candidates. No attacking each other without permission of a proctor." I was upset about not being able to fight so once he said no fighting I zoned him out. Until I felt Sasuke arm around my neck with him looking forward.

Ibiki told us to turn in papers and get a number. Something about where we'll be sitting. Great, it's a test Naruto is terrible at written tests.

The chunin sat around us in the room. Watching us. I was sitting next to Garra. He kept staring at me for no reason then when I catch him staring he glares at me.

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