Part 73

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"Thanks Sasuke," I said

"Your welcome, I forgot playing with your makes you more tired," Sasuke said

"Don't bring it up," I said with a little red on my cheeks that people not noticing.

"First of all congratulations to you all for finishing the second exam," Anko said, loudly. The adults were looking at us with strange expressions.

I soon noticed all the people that pass. This is going to be interesting. I noticed mummy man and his friends staring at Sasuke and me. I smirked which made spiky hair guy mad.

"Hey look. All of the leaf rookies are here," Sakura whispered to our group. Naruto turned back to us. "Whoa everyone's here. Old man Hokage, Iruka-sensei, and even bushy brows. It looks like absolutely no one got left out this time." Naruto said. Me and Sasuke look at each other and smirk because we see all the many powerful people.

"Alright now pay attention! Lord Hokage is going to explain the third exam to you. And you better listen carefully you maggots." Anko said

The Hokage took a step forward, hands behind his back. "First before I tell you what the third exam entails, I want to explain something about the test itself. Listen closely now its something all of you need to understand. I'm going to tell you the true purpose of these exams."

"Why do you suppose our country holds these exams in conjunction with our allies?" He asked but nobody answered so he started to give us a history lesson if I would have never taken that nap I would have been sleeping now. He talked about pride and all that crap. I rolled my eyes I don't really care about this. He was about to explain the third exam when some dude interrupted.

"Its nice to meet you all." The man spoke to us. He then coughed a bit. "There's something I would like all of you to do before the third exam,"

I raised an eyebrow. The dude coughed in the middle of it then gave us a strange look. "Uh, we have to have a preliminary exam before we can move onto the real one," the dude said. Shikamaru yelled at the dude before Sakura questioned him more. Then he started explaining how its far too many candidates then there should be so they're holding another test to eliminate half of us. 

Hayato continued. "So if any of you are not in top physical condition, now's your chance to" He started coughing madly. Once he stopped he continued. "Sorry about that. Anyway, any of you who don't feel up to this, now's the time for you to bow out. The preliminaries will be starting immediately."

Kiba, Ino, Shikamaru started complaining. "The winners will be determined with one on one combat sudden death. So like I said, If there's anyone who doesn't feel up to it now's the time to raise your hand," Hayato said

Sasuke soon gripped his neck while mines started to burn to as I held on to my neck trying to ignore the pain my long hair is covering the mark while Sasuke collar is covering his.

"You and y/n have been like this since you tangled with Orochimaru, and it's getting worse," Sakura said. "Shut up Sakura," I said "It's the mark he put on you two isn't it? She questioned.

"I said Shut up, you don't even care if I do it your just worry about Sasuke but don't forget he's my boyfriend, So drop it," I said. She looks at me and put her head down.  She then looked to Sasuke begged him not to do it while crying. I just rolled her eyes. Sakura was about to raise her hand but another hand stopped hers.

"All right you caught me, Im out," Kabuto said, walking away

"Kabuto why?" Naruto asked

"Bye Bye Four eyes," I said with a smirk

As Kabuto glared at me annoyed and look at Naruto

"Sorry, Naruto I just can't ever since the first exam that gu from the sound village hit me. I had no hearing at all in my right ear. Now fight without taking a decent break. It's just too much for me,"Kabuto walk away.

Soon Sakura was raising her hand, I grabbed it like I was going to break it.

"Sakura I told you to shut up, mind your business and shut up with this mark or I swear I will break your hand right now," I said as Sasuke continued

"Sakura just do us a favor, don't you dare tell anyone about this mark," Sasuke said with a glare.

"But why?" Sakura said but stayed quiet after y/n was squeezing her hand as she try not to scream in pain.

"What are you saying shes just worried about you guys," Naruto said. I rolled my eyes.

"She not worried about me she just worried about Sasuke," I said

"Naruto, you're the one we want to fight the most," Sasuke said talking about me and him.

"Okay now since one left and 21 participate which means one of you will fight an extra match. The names will be called with the jumbotron behind me. First up..." Hayate said I let go of Sakura wrist as she rubbed her wrist to get rid of the pain

I look at the jumbotron. It was ...

Sasuke Uchiha vs. Yoroi Akado. I glanced at Sasuke who was smirking. He'll be alright. "Alright now. Those whose names have been drawn come forward." 

Sasuke started forward as he looked at me we both nodded with a smirk on our face. But Kakashi appeared before Sasuke went to the center.

"Sasuke, don't use your Sharingan," Kakashi warned great they know guess they know about mine too.

"So you know about it," Sasuke said

"If that mark on your neck gets out of control if it gets to that point. I'll jump in to stop the fight this goes for you to y/n," Kakashi finished walking away.

Sasuke went to the center to his oponent.

"Wehn your ready begin," Hayate called out

Sasuke started throwing shurikens I guess the curse mark is acting up because my neck is burning really bad as I am holding on to my neck and It also caused him to fall off balance.

They guy was very fast he tried to hit Sasuke as he lied down on the ground. Sasuke rolled to his right and used his leg to knock Yoroi off his feet he fell as Sasuke placed his left leg over his neck and his right leg over his body. He forcefully grabbed Yoroi arm place it over his heart.

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