Part 74

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"Hey he got im!" Naruto said excitedly. However I don't really know if its over yet. Yoroi hit Sasuke chest, making Sasuke let go and jumped away. What happened. Yoroi ran at Sasuke. Sasuke managed to sit up. It was hard for me to pay attention because the mark was burning a lot. Yoroi grabbed his head with his chakra covered hand. I noticed he is taking Sasuke chakra.

"Hey he got im!" Naruto said excitedly. However I don't really know if its over yet. Yoroi hit Sasuke chest, making Sasuke let go and jumped away. What happened. Yoroi ran at Sasuke. Sasuke managed to sit up. It was hard for me to pay attention because the mark was burning a lot. Yoroi grabbed his head with his chakra covered hand. I noticed he is taking Sasuke chakra.

Yoroi laughed as Sakura screamed for Sasuke. I tighten my fists. Sasuke went weak from under him. Don't let the match be over come on Sasuke. Don't give up. I watched as Yoroi continued stealing Sasuke's chakra. It's painful.

Sasuke isn't so weak to let this guy beat him! He'll come out as top for sure!" Naruto shouted. I gripped the railing and took a big breath. "SASUKE YOU BETTER GET UP DONT START MESSING UP THE UCHIHA NAME, I WILL PUNCH YOU THREW A TREE IF YOU DON"T GET UP RIGHT NOW, YOU THINK HE"S BAD I WILL BE 100 TIMES WORST!" I shouted enraged.

I narrowed my eyes at him as he was watching me, He smirked. "You're right. I'm sorry y/n," Sasuke then kicked Yoroi away."Your damn right you better be sorry," I smirked as Sasuke slowly sat up. "So you still have some strength left huh? Impressive. For a guinea pig." I wanted to jumped down and coke him to to death but I couldn't.

"Don't worry little man. I'll make it short and sweet," Chakra gathered in his hand again and ran at Sasuke.

Sasuke stood up and Yoroi was about to hit him, but Sasuke dodged. This went for a bit.But Sasuke was having a hard time.

Yoroi ran at Sasuke again. And Sasuke dodged them again. Although it's different. Like he has a plan. He smirked and disappeared using his speed. Then that when I noticed he was coping LEE!

He kicked under Yoroi's chin and made him fly up. He then jumped up behind him. "Okay I admit it. I kind of borrowed that move. But from here on in, it's all original," Sasuke said

What is he doing? But the mark on my neck was burning like crazy I was about to fall to my knees but I dont want Kakashi to cancel my match. Then red marks was starting to grow on me. I grit my teeth. But finally Sasuke was able to pull it back so the mark was gone from my body. Sasuke went to kick, but Yoroi dodged it. "You're no match for me!" Yoroi shouted. However Sasuke maneuvered around a bit and hit him in the throat with his forearm, sending him down. "Come back here! I'm not done yet!" He hit his throat again and then brought the heel of his foot down on his stomach just as he reached the ground.

"Lions Barrage!" Yoroi spits out blood and Sasuke skidded away. Both of them were lying on the floor. C'mon Sasuke stand up. Slowly Sasuke sat up, breathing heavily, "As the winner of the preliminary round, Sasuke Uchiha advanced to the finals." Sakura and Naruto cheered. I crossed my arms, with a smirk on my face.I heard the familiar proof to see Kakashi behind Sasuke. Naruto then pointed out he won but looked like he lost. I walked over.

"You had me a little worried there," I said but Naruto bumped into me as I was falling. Sasuke had managed to get up and appear underneath me.I landed roughly on him and we both fell to the ground. Me on top of him. "Ow" I groaned as I got up and helped Sasuke up. I glared at Naruto ready to kill him but he hid behind Sakura like he has seen a ghost. "I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean to," Naruto said.

Then Kakashi walked up to us.

"After your, match I'm going to take you and Sasuke to deal with the curse mark because for some reason your both are connected so I cant get seal Sasuke's without Sealing yours," I nodded. As we all turned around to look back at the screen.

It was Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka were next. I don't even care about this one. I don't even like Sakura. They fight came to a draw.

Next up, Tenten vs Tamari. I just want to go already

Temari wins with that giant fan, Tenten was taken to the hospital treated for her injuries. Shiakamaru Nara vs. Kin, Shikamaru wins by his shadow.

Kankuro vs. a stretched up man, the man forfeited from being crush up by Kankuro's puppet. So Kankuro's a puppet master interesting.

Y/N Uchiha vs. Loke Night. Sasuke tapped my shoulder and nodded at me as we fist bump. All I have to remember I can't use my Sharingan.

"When your ready begin," Hayate said.

Loke started running to me with a kunai in his hand, I dodge him by jumping back I ran up behind him and kicked the kunai out his hands. I took the weights off before I came down here. I may not be faster then Lee but it's still hard for people to see me.

I put chakra in my fist as I feel my curse mark to burn but I chose to ignore it. I appeared behind him punching him in the back as he hits the wall. I fell to my knee holding my neck because the pain was hard to bear.

"Get up, y/n watch out," Sasuke said. Loke was running back to me as I rolled out the way. I added chakra to my feet as I kicked his chin then appeared behind him and punch him down as I made a huge hole on the floor.

"Fire style: FIreball Jutsu" I said as fire came out my mouth he was barely able to dodge as dust cleared up, it was a substitution.

I looked around but I completely forgot I can sense chakra so I closed my eyes and sensed around. He's underground. I collected a big amount of chakra and punch the floor. Loke was on the floor knocked out. The curse mark was burning really bad now Im not able to hold myself up I look up seeing Sasuke going thru the same thing. 

Since Loke is no longer to battle, Y/n is the winner," Hayate said.

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