Part 128

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Then the memories of me and Sasuke seeing are clan being killed also are family by the guy we used to look up to the most. Itachi Uchiha the day I unlocked my Sharingan when he put us in that genjutsu that made mute. He replayed are clan getting killed over and over again until we passed out. I would get my revenge as long as I have Sasuke on my side Itachi will be killed with no mercy. I don't even know if Sasuke passed out the same time I did. Once I woke up I was in the hospital as Sasuke try to get me to talk but all I wanted to do was train and train even if I passed out I wanted to keep going. At first, Sasuke was a little distant at the time I guess Itachi said something to Sasuke but soon Sasuke told me what Itachi said He realizes he didn't have to kill me because Im his closest friend but Naruto because he is starting to understand us. Naruto was starting to break down are walls but being friends is not going to make us stronger thats why me and Sasuke always wanted to be alone. I snapped out of the flashback as Naruto head popped out the water. As I smirked at Sasuke.

"You better not disappoint," I said

"He won't be able to lay a finger on me," Sasuke said as he fisted pumped me. As we looked down at Naruto.

"Don't you guys consider me... your comrade any longer?! Don't all those things we did together in Squad Seven mean anything to you guys?!," Naruto said

"No," Sasuke and I said at the same time.

"It wasn't meaningless... To us, you become our closest friend," Sasuke said as he looked at me then back to Naruto as Naruto stood up.

"We've become... friends? Then... why?!," Naruto yelled

"All the more reason why... there's meaning in taking you down," Sasuke said

"I don't fully understand but... I understood that you want to fight me with your everything! Sasuke," Naruto yelled as He ran towards Sasuke as I crossed my arms and smirked as Sasuke ran. This will be over soon.

Leaf Village

"What did you say? You mean to say that only rookies went after Sasuke, Y/n?!," Kakashi said

"It really couldn't be helped... the situation in the Village being how it is... And anyway I've taken the minimally required measures," Tsunade said as Kakashi started to walk away.

"Hey! Hey! Your mission has already been assigned!," Tsunade said

"Uh, I'm gonna go do an errand and will be back shortly... Don't worry," Kakashi said as he left the off as he was walking Sakura spotted him.

"Kakashi sensei! It's already been two days since Sasuke left the village... And Naruto and the others who went in pursuit haven't come back either And neither has Lee..." Sakura said

"I know. I've more or less heard the whole story. Don't forget Y/n was the one that also left with Sasuke," Kakashi said but Sakura ignore what he said about y/n

"I believe in Naruto but If something were to happen to Naruto and Sasuke...," Sakura said as Kakashi grabbed his shoulder.

"Sakura, you don't need to worry about anything. Leave this to me I will bring back Y/n, Sasuke and Naruto," Kakashi said as he walked away from Sakura as he reach the front gate with Sakura following Kakashi.

"Summoning Jutsu," Kakashi said as he places his hands on the floor as a group of dogs with Pakkun appeared.

"First of all, I want you guys to fan out in all directions in pursuit of Naruto, Sasuke, and y/n's scent. Well y/n should be with Sasuke but in case they slip up to find her too," Kakashi said

"Naruto, y/n and Sasuke, you said? Did something happen to the three of them?" Pakkun said

"I'll explain later... Right now, time is of essence," Kakashi said

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