Part 159

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To Y/n

" Say can we rest a bit?" Suigetsu said as he sat on the floor

"Suigetsu you keep stopping to rest! We're almost at the hideout! Is it the sword? Is it too heavy for you? Then leave it damn it," Karin said as me and Sasuke looked up noticing the guys that be on watch not there.

"Tell him Sasuke," Karin said noticing Sasuke did respond as she came closer

"What's wrong," Karin said

"Where's the guy who's on watch?" Sasuke said

"Huh? You're right that's strange," Karin said

"Hey," Suigetsu said as we all looked at him until we heard something as we turned are heads as a guy fell down as Karin ran over.

"He's from the northern hideout. He's still breathing," Karin said

"What happened," I asked

"Your y/n Uchiha help me," the guy said

"What happened?" Suigetsu said as I came closer started healing his body

"It all started with the rumors that Orochimaru was dead. The prisoners went wild at this rate," the guy said but because he was talking I couldn't heal him fast enough as he died

"Oh dear he died," Suigetsu said as I sighed as we all turned are heads as something was running towards us

"You're," a guy said

"What is that?" Suigetsu said

"He's already in the Curse Mark Second State," Karin said as Sasuke looked at me as I nodded my head to tell him he can do it as he cut the guy with his sword  as the guy fell.

"The northern hideout is over there let's go and see Jugo," Sasuke said as he grabbed my hand as I stood up as we started to walk away.

"Huh? Hey! Wait Sasuke!" Karin said as she ran after us as she walked to the hideout

"All the guards have been killed and the prisoners have escaped," Karin said

"Then there's no way we can tell which one is Jugo, eh Sasuke" Suigetsu said

"Karin, Y/n is Jugo among them?" Sasuke said as I closed my eyes

"Crimes what a pain! Just wait a bit!" Karin said

"Nope he's not," Karin and I said at the same time as I crossed my arms

"Well then I can fight without worrying who they are," Suigetsu said

"Just avoid killing them," me and Sasuke said at the same time as I chuckled

"You both are from the Hidden Leaf after all you should've killed that guy back there too, you know. So naive," Suigetsu said as I did Chakra fist as Sasuke and Suigetsu pulled out they sword

"Let's go," Sasuke said as we all ran in and started taking down all the prisoners

"Stay away you all stink," Suigetsu said  as he started cutting all them as Sasuke was surrounded as he jumped up cutting all them as I was punch them as they was hitting one another as the crashed into the building as the fell unconscious as we got inside

"The keys I found them!" Karin said as we walked to Jugo place as me and Sasuke was ahead of Suigetsu and Karin as Karin tricked Suigetsu to go the other way.

" Sasuke Suigetsu went the other way," Karin said as me and Sasuke and looked back to see only Karin. As Sasuke looked at me

"Can you go get him," Sasuke asked me as I shrugged my shoulders as I was sensing Suigetsu Chakra as I finally found it

"Suigetsu," I said as he turned around

"That witch," Suigetsu said as I had a confused look

"Why you went the wrong way," I said

" I didn't Karin told me this way," Suigetsu said

"Aggg she want to be with Sasuke again I'm so going to kill her let's go," I said as I closed my eyes to sense them as I found them as me and Suigetsu walked towards Jugo cell catching up.

"Here?" Sasuke asked

"Yeah Jugos inside," Karin said

"Well then open it," I said as I smirked as Suigetsu laughed as Karin glared at me as she went to open it

"All right! I'm gonna open it!" Karin said as she went to grab the handle but Sasuke stopped her as I groaned

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