Part 87

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"Y/n, Sasuke, Are you afraid of me," Garra yelled. I sat next to Sasuke thinking of a plan as Garra continued yelling.

I take it anymore I look at Sasuke he nodded and did hand signs and a Chidori appeared into his hand. As Gaara spotted us.

"We will finish you off with one strike," Sasuke said. I nodded. I put chakra into my fist and jumped up with Sasuke following after me I punch him towards Sasuke. Sasuke went thru him with the Chidori.

"Gaara,"Temari yelled. Me and Sasuke have are Sharingan activated. As we both landed on a branch.

"That should have hurt him," I said. Sasuke nodded

Gaara started laughing and got up holding the arm. It didn't hurt him.

"Why is this so exciting? I finally understand. This pain by defeating people who can hurt me, and taking away everything they possess it will give me a stronger sensation of life!," Gaara said. Me and Sasuke smirked. Gaara started to grow. Sasuke jumped up.

"What," me and Sasuke yelled. What is he we just hurt him but he's moving as nothing happened. Now he has a tail. He ran at us I pushed Sasuke out the way as I jumped up. He faster then he was before. Me and Sasuke would be dead a long time ago if we didn't have these eyes. We landed on a tree branch upside down looking at Gaara. Gaara jumped back at us as me and Sasuke made handsigns nodding at each other.

"Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu," Sasuke and I said at the same time as fireballs flew to Gaara but he used his sand to protect him so fire doesn't have an effect on him so Sasuke looked at me knowing I can use fire. I made hand signs for the water dragon Jutsu but it was too late Gaara appeared in front of me but Sasuke jumped in front of me and he punched us as we flew back hitting a tree as i cough blood. I wiped my mouth. I started thinking Sasuke can do no more Chidori because he can only do two he already used them so we can't use that but I still got my Chidori.

"What wrong, is that all both of your existence is worth, Lets make this clear you both are weak, You guys are soft because your hatred is weak, The power of hatred is the power of murderous intent, The power of murderous intent is the power of revenge," Gaara said I clenched my fist as my eyes harden and Sasuke was slumped down not say anything.

"You guys hatred is weaker than mine," Garra yelled

"Shut up," I said. Squeezing my hands with nails digging into it as it draw blood.

"Do you know what this mean," Gaara said

"Shut up," Sasuke said.

"It means you guys are weaker than me," Gaara said

Itachi chooses us to be the avenger to kill him. We are an avenger. Me and Sasuke had a Chidori in are hands as we ran at Garra. Sasuke hand was going out but he kept it we both hit Gaara and landed on a branch. The arm came off of Gaara and turned into sand. As me and Sasuke has the marks of the curse mark on are body. I feel the power going thru my body. Sasuke fell to the floor. I feel a burning sesation on my neck as I feel to my knees holding in my screams. Its the curse mark seal again as me and Sasuke hold on to our necks. Gaara jumped at us I tried to move but I cant it's too painful and it looks like Sasuke can't move either. But out of nowhere, Garra was kicked out the way. Naruto jumped in front of us as Sakura and a dog jumped by Sasuke.

"Sasuke-Kun," Sakura said If I wasn't in pain I would have punched her into a tree.

I fell on my side hold my neck shaking the pain was hard to ignore.

"Sakura-chan," Naruto said. Me and Sasuke struggled to turn are necks to Naruto.

"You guys," Sasuke said as me and him try to force our self to stand.

"Who is that Sakura-chan," Naruto asked

"What do you want," Sakura yelled

"Who the hell is he," Naruto said

"His appearance changes but he's that Gaara fellow," The dog said.

"Hey little girl," THe dog said. Sakura turned her head to the dog.

"Im not a combat type don't blame me for not fighting," The dog said I rolled my eyes well tried to but the pain was hard to get thru.

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