Chapter 5| Comfort

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Dedicated to the newest member of our close Wattpad family TheGirlWhoWrites1997

Previously on Welcome Back

James and Lily went into their room which was painted yellow and had a masters bed in the middle with a bunch of old newspapers in the corner. Lily went into the bathroom to shower while James read the newspapers that were useless since they were from when he was young. James sighed and then went to bed followed by Lily


The Next Morning

Lily woke up first and then went downstairs but not before she looked at James still sleeping and sighed at how lazy he was.

Lily went into the kitchen, As she went into the kitchen she saw Remus there with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands, he was looking, Lily noticed, really sad and depressed. Lily racked her head trying to think if there was a full moon due to appear but as far as she knew there wasn't one.

Remus then noticed her presence and saw her trying to figure something out, he chuckled and then said "not for 3 weeks"

That snapped Lily back into reality and she asked "what?"

"The full moon is not for another 3 weeks" Remus replied grinning.

Lily blushed, embarrassed to be caught. Remus chuckled.

"you want to tell me what you were thinking?" Remus inquired

"I saw you looking sad and depressed, I was wondering why so" Lily answered

"oh" Remus said and then sighed "I was just coming down from Harry's room, he doesn't look so good, and, he has a fever. I don't know, I feel like this is my fault" Remus confessed

Lily was shocked, out of all the reasons Remus could have had, she didn't expect this. She breathed in and then replied "Remus look at me, This is not your fault, I don't even know why you would think that"

"because" Remus explained "Sirius was in Azkaban so he couldn't take care of him. I was perfectly able, I was just scared that Moony would hurt him"

Lily sighed and then said "Listen Remus, this is not your fault, You didn't know, Dumbledore thought it would be for the best, you couldn't argue against him."

Remus smiled at Lily, thankful for her words. He turned to leave and as he reached the door Lily said "Remus?"

Remus turned around and looked at her

"I don't know how many times all of us have to tell you this, but, you are not a monster, please get that in your head" Lily said smiling

Remus turned around and left but Lily was sure that she saw Remus smile before he left.

Lily then thought about what she wanted to do. She put a disillusionment charm on herself and decided to go see Harry. Lily walked up the stairs slowly, wondering when she could tell Harry that she was alive, she felt bad, she hadn't been there for Harry for so long. She wondered what could have possible happened to Harry in such a short amount of time that no one else could tell her about it. Lily was lost in her thoughts th'at she didn't realize that she arrived at Harry's door, she snapped out of her thought and then she slowly opened the door and peeked inside, Harry was still asleep. Lily walked up to Harry's bed and then sat down right next to Harry while running her fingers through his hair, looking at him fondly.

Lily then left after a couple of minutes, taking one last look at Harry, she went downstairs and saw James sitting down watching T.V

"What's wrong"

Lily sighed and then started talking "It's Harry, I don't know why I feel like he will blame us for not being there for him."

James raised an eyebrow and the said "Honey, From what Remus and Sirius told us, Harry sounds nothing like that" James paused and his eyes grew "shoot!! I forgot to ask what house he's in, better not be Slytherin" James ran off shouting Padfoot as soon as he said that. Lily smiled, rolled her eyes and wondered how she ever ended up with him.

Remus then came downstairs with a pale face and then said "he's awake"

Hey guys, whats up, ik ik I left u on a cliffhanger on an incredibly short chapter, forgive me if I give u food? Yea I'm back from my break, my week has been really stressful and I didn't have time to write a long chapter, I could have but it would have been cruddy and I don't want that. Hope u enjoyed the chapter and yea, c ya

Make the star hello if you haven't gotten your letter yet and are still waiting for it


Welcome Back (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now