Chapter 13| 4TH Year pt 2

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Previously on Welcome Back

James and Lily watched in awe and looked at the trio as to why crazy things happened when they were there in Hogwarts


"Hermione elves like being enslaved," James said as the memories went on and they saw Hermione not eating because of what she called slave labor.

"What about Dobby?" Hermione countered

"Dobby is unique, you won't get most of them to be set free," James said gently and then looked at Hermione with a look that said 'I am right and you know it' while Lily rolled her eyes on what a child James was being.

"Weasley! Hey, Weasley!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were standing there, each looking thoroughly pleased about something.

"What?" said Ron shortly.

"Your dad's in the paper, Weasley!" said Malfoy, brandishing a copy of the Daily Prophet and speaking very loudly, so that everyone in the packed entrance hall could hear. "Listen to this!


It seems as though the Ministry of Magic's troubles are not yet at an end, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. Recently under fire for its poor crowd control at the Quidditch World Cup, and still unable to account for the disappearance of one of its witches, the Ministry was plunged into fresh embarrassment yesterday by the antics of Arnold Weasley, of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office."

Malfoy looked up.

"Imagine them not even getting his name right, Weasley. It's almost as though he's a complete nonentity, isn't it?" he crowed.

"Git" Sirius murmured never liking Draco but the laughed when Moody turned him into a ferret. Then they watched as Moody's lesson came on and were horrified but weirdly glad that he was teaching them the unforgivable curses.

The memories went on and on until it was the night where the schools would be announced for the tournament.

"The champion for Durmstrang," he read, in a strong, clear voice, "will be Viktor Krum."

"No surprises there!" yelled Ron as a storm of applause and cheering swept the Hall. Harry saw Viktor Krum rise from the Slytherin table and slouch up toward Dumbledore; he turned right, walked along the staff table, and disappeared through the door into the next chamber.

"All-star quidditch player and a Triwizard champion? He is famous" James remarked

"Bravo, Viktor!" boomed Karkaroff, so loudly that everyone could hear him, even over all the applause. "Knew you had it in you!"

The clapping and chatting died down. Now everyone's attention was focused again on the goblet, which, seconds later, turned red once more. A second piece of parchment shot out of it, propelled by the flames.

"The champion for Beauxbatons," said Dumbledore, "is Fleur Delacour!"

"It's her, Ron!" Harry shouted as the girl who so resembled a veela got gracefully to her feet, shook back her sheet of silvery blonde hair, and swept up between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.

"Ron's true love, The Veela" Sirius said teasingly having heard of what Ron did for the Yule Ball, Ron just shoved Sirius in return.

"Oh look, they're all disappointed," Hermione said over the noise, nodding toward the remainder of the Beauxbatons party. "Disappointed" was a bit of an understatement, Harry thought. Two of the girls who had not been selected had dissolved into tears and were sobbing with their heads on their arms.

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