Chapter 29| Planning

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Previously on Welcome Back

James helped Harry up from the ground and the Padfoot slung his arm over Harry's shoulder and they all walked into Hogwarts.


Sirius and James both went to the hospital wing with Harry. They saw that the school matron was restocking supplies while murmuring something to herself.

"my, my Mr.Potter," Madam Pomfrey said her hands on her hips "I see that I can't even get rid of you for the summer"

All three of them chuckled lightly and then James asked Madam Pomfrey for medicine that Harry needed and for an inhaler after telling her that Harry forgot his at home

Madam Pomfrey looked at Harry disapprovingly but gave them all they needed. After she gave Harry the inhaler, Harry puffed a bit into his mouth. When James and Sirius were looking at him questioningly he shrugged and said "My lungs were feeling a bit constricted"

James looked at him disapprovingly and said "you need to tell us when these things happen"

Harry nodded and they all set off to Dumbledores office when Harry swallowed his pills.

They turned into a corridor and found themselves in front of the gargoyle that guards Dumbledores staircase.

"Its time to play the guessing game," Sirius said and ran his hand through his hair

"Cockroach Clusters?" James asked the gargoyle, no response

"Sugar Quills?" Sirius tried, no response

"Lemon Sherbet?" Harry asked and the gargoyle moved

"Wow, Dumbledore really loves them," Harry remarked and they all laughed as they went up  the stairs

They knocked on Dumbledores door and went in and the sound of "come in"

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Dumbledore asked them with a twinkle in his eyes and gesturing for them to sit down.

James, Sirius, and Harry sat down and then James started them off

"We want to give Sirius a fair trial, now that I am alive, I can testify for him" James explained running his hand through his hair as he always did when he was nervous

"I was wondering why you didn't come here to demand Sirius' trial earlier," Dumbledore remarked

James was about to answer when an owl came in through Dumbledores window, it dropped a red letter in front of Harry and then flew away.

"oh no" Harry groaned recognizing the letter

"I would open that," James said warningly

"yea, good idea" Sirius said, recognizing the letter to be Lily's

"go ahead," Dumbledore told Harry, Harry looked at the letter for another second and then opened it.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER" Lily's voice cried out in the office "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? BED EMPTY, NO NOTE, YOU DIDN'T EVEN TAKE YOUR MEDICINE. YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE WHEN YOU GET HOME." and on that 'happy' note, the letter burst into flames. James, Sirius, and Harry were all pale by the end while Dumbledore acted like he couldn't hear anything.

Slowly color started to return to their faces and after they got Lilys echoing voice out of their heads, they began to talk to Dumbledore about Sirius' trial.

"We need one now, we have solid proof, and Sirius can't stay in hiding forever" James argued

"Also, if Sirius is cooped up somewhere for so long, he does drastic things" Harry supplied

"Hey, no wait he's right," Sirius said starting to arguing but knew that Harry was telling the truth

"Sirius will get a fair trial, AFTER we publicly announce your return" Dumbledore stated

"wait, I'm pretty sure everyone knows, I mean, Lily and I both went into the hospital and everyone saw us," James said confused

"Sirius altered your appearances, You did not notice but he did on my orders" Dumbledore answered, "I will write a letter to the ministry stating your return and then we can get Sirius a fair trial." Dumbledore planned

James, Sirius, and Harry agreed and spent the rest of the afternoon planning

A/n: HIIIII, sorry for the cruddy chapters, I'm supposed to be studying for finals rn, and I'm gonna go back to that


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