Chapter 35| Nightmares and Announcements

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Previously on Welcome Back

After discussing a few other details they left Fudges room with Kingsley who told them "You can fill in these application forms (he summoned them from his office and handed them to James) and I will tell you my answer in the next order meeting" Kingsley whispered the least part and left them.

James, Lily, Harry, and Remus then used the floo and went home feeling happier than they had in a while


When James, Lily, Harry, and Remus got home from the ministry they saw an anxious Sirius pacing around waiting for them.

"Well? What happened?" Sirius asked as he saw that they had come back.

"I'm sorry Sirius, they have denied you a trial," Harry said solemnly watching Sirius' face fall

James catching on to what Harry was doing said "They didn't believe that Lily and I have come back to life. I'm so sorry Padfoot"

Sirius' face fell even further but he tried to hide his disappointment

"oh, ok, I mean it doesn't really matter right? What matters is that you guys believe me and that you are right here" Sirius said woefully

Just then James started to be shaking with laughter. Harry and Remus couldn't keep it in either so they both started laughing as well. Lily tried to look disappointed but she was holding her laughter in.

"Padfoot, you are so gullible," Remus said holding his sides

"Wait... so... I GOT A TRIAL?' Sirius exclaimed, color coming back to his face

They all nodded and Sirius tackled them all to the ground except Lily who had the sense to move aside

After 5 minutes they all managed to get themselves off the ground and when they got up Sirius pulled them all in a group hug.

"Never mess with me like that again," Sirius said firmly but no one paid attention to his words since they were all busy celebrating

It took them all 20 minutes to stop hugging each other as well as clapping each other on the back. Lily was the first one to pull away since she had to make dinner. Everyone was ravenous and they all immediately got to the table.

For dinner, Lily had made a Caesar salad and alfredo pasta. Everyone ate while talking about Sirius' trial and how they were sure that Sirius would be declared innocent and the caught Harry up to speed about the Order and when their first meeting would be. After they ate Harry helped his mum clean up. While Harry was washing the dishes he heard a roar from the floo. He saw the time to be 8:00 pm. He assumed the people who had come from the floo were his friends. He looked at his mother who beckoned him to go and that she would finish here. Harry gave his mum a quick kiss on the cheeks and then left the kitchen.

When Harry got to the fireplace he saw Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, and Ron on top of each other trying to get up. He couldn't see Mrs. Weasley so he assumed that she wasn't coming until the order meeting.

"Ow George that's my foot" Hermione squealed

"Ginny, That's my arm!!" Ron exclaimed

Harry quickly walked over to the pile of humans and helped them all up one by one.

"Heres a lesson for you mate, never floo yourself with 4 other people," Ron told him

Harry laughed and said "noted"

They all went into the living room and said a quick hello to everyone there before everyone went into Harry's room.

When they got to Harry's room, Harry decided to teach them how to play 'Uno'. He and Hermione spent the first 15 minutes teaching the Weasleys how to play. After the Weasleys understood they started to play. While they were playing Harry told them about what happened at the ministry

"Reverse," Hermione said putting down a green reverse card "So, Sirius is getting a trial? That's great news"

"Draw two Ron" Fred said putting down a green draw two card "Yea mate, congrats"

Everyone congratulated Harry and then after their first game of 'Uno' they all marched downstairs and offered their congrats to Sirius. Sirius smiled at all of them and talked to them for a while before they all went back to Harry's room to play monopoly. It took Hermione and Harry half an hour to explain this game to them.

They all played a few more muggle games before Lily suggested that they go to bed. They looked at the clock and it was 12:47 am. Shocked at how long they had played they all decided to go to bed. Lily suggested that Hermione and Ginny take the room next to them which was comparatively small but quite big for 2 people. The boys slept in Harry's room. Harry decided to abandon his bed and sleep on the floor like all of them. They all fell fast asleep in 5 minutes.

At 3:48 am Ron, Fred and George awoke with a start to see Harry screaming his lungs out. They all stood up to go to Harry but before they managed to do that Hermione and Ginny entered the room followed by Lily.

"Step aside" Lily advised them and they all did. Lily walked over to Harry and gently shook him awake. When he didn't wake up nor calm down Lily held Harry's hand and whispered nonsense into his ear until he calmed down. Harry had not awoken during any of this he had merely calmed down. After Harry had calmed down Lily asked them to stay quiet and ask Harry any questions they had in the morning as it was his choice if he wanted to tell them. They all agreed held their questions back and they all fell asleep. Hermione and Ginny decide to get their own sleeping bags in and sleep in the boys' room.

In the morning Harry awoke to see his friends huddled up and talking. Harry managed to catch a few words and phrases like "nightmare... wouldn't wake up...screaming his lungs out "

"Hi guys, so I guess I had a nightmare last night?" Harry asked them while they all looked at him guiltily

a/n: heyo! Wassup? Anyways, I'm posting this now but I wrote this chapter on the 8th, so yea... I couldn't post it earlier cuz I'm going on vacation and I'm trying to write a chapter a day while sticking to my posting schedule (sundays and wednesdays) anyways thnx so much for reading this I really appreciate it. I love u guys so much


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