Chapter 43| Offers

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Previously on Welcome Back

When the kids were sure that the adults were gone they burst out in laughter.

"oh, my merlin that was so close. We had what? 2 minutes to clean up this room?" Fred said holding his sides

"Yea, plus we had to make sure that they believed that we were playing board games," Harry said who was also holding his sides.

They all quickly cleared up the fake venom from the floor and headed downstairs to eat dinner


Letters kept on arriving for a press conference. The household kept trying to ignore them but it got to the point where there were 10 owls waiting for Lily and James every morning when they woke up.

"I can't take it anymore" Harry grumbled as he came down the stairs with a stack of letters in his hand. "There were 5 owls waiting outside the window of my room this morning, 2 outside of the girl's room and 3 outside of Fred and George's room. I took these because the others are busy showering, or brushing their teeth."

Lily took the letters from Harry and with a sigh, she added them to the pile of letters on the sofa waiting to be burned.

Lily then led Harry to the dining table where the adults were busy eating omelets.

"You know, I've been thinking," Remus said looking up from his food "What if we do just one interview? Maybe the public will leave us alone then"

Lily sighed and said "I was thinking the same thing myself. I mean from the few that I have looked at, they ask everyone who has been staying with us. How about we all pick one place we think has the best offer and we all decide on one" Lily suggested

The adults all agreed and later on during the day when everyone was gathered in the sitting room Lily asked the kids about their opinion on the matter

"So we've been thinking, that since we get an alarming number of letters asking for interviews. We've been thinking that we do one and announce there that we aren't doing anymore." Lily suggested

The kids all looked at each other and then nodded since they were all tired of waking up to tapping noises that the owls were making in order to get inside the building.

"so, we all pick a letter which we think has the best offer, and then we all choose one place to give the interview," Lily said and dumped all the letters on the floor.

It took them all 20 minutes to find one letter and when they did they discussed their options

"So I picked 'The Late Night Show with Elena' because it is really popular and we might be able to get the word out further," James said holding up a letter

"I picked out 'The Angelina Warren show' because of similar reasons. It is really popular and we might be able to let more people know" Ginny said holding up another letter

"I have 'Coffee with Bloise Carolinus' because they are known for showing the whole truth without any editing cuts' Sirius said

"I chose 'What is up London' because they talk about many current issues and solutions on how to solve them with celebrities," Lily said

"I liked 'Late Night with Brianna' because they donate 15% of the money they make to local charities," Hermione said

"I chose 'Deals With Dylan' because of similar reasons, they donate 10% of their funds to international charities," Ron said

"Fred and I chose 'Pranks With Pat' because they fight for educational rights," George said while Fred nodded

"I chose 'Ideas with Irene' because they come up with many ideas to help people and they have connections to a lot of humanitarian groups so we could help out that way," Harry said

They all discussed their options and decided that Ideas with Irene was their best bet because they also wanted to help people along this way.

They sent the producers of 'Ideas with Irene' a letter informing them that they accept their offer and if they would kindly provide them with a date for their show.

The reply letter came the next day and it said

Dear All,

I am pleased to hear that you accept my offer. We will be sponsoring a humanitarian group called 'Wizards Unite' during your segment on the 20th of July at 1:00 pm. This group supports underprivileged kids rights to basic needs. I hope to see you in our segment as well.


Rincewind Dresden

a/n: hey guys ik I gave u another short chapter, I'm sorry, I'm running out of ideas... well I hope u enjoyed I have to go rn, so yea. Thnx for reading





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