Chapter 24| Small Talk

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Previously on Welcome Back

James and Lily just smiled at him and helped him inside the Grimmauld Place with Remus holding the door open and Sirius rushing inside to get a room that was on the ground floor ready. Harry was soon inside his room lying down and being forced to rest since it was late. That night Harry fell asleep with a smile on his face


When Harry woke up the next morning the sun was high up in the sky, Harry got up and groaned while turning to his side and reaching for the side table to get his glasses.

As soon as he put his glasses on everything came back into focus. Harry looked around and saw that he was in a room that was dimly lit when he turned his head to the left, he saw a note and a button on the side table.

"Press the button when your awake," the note said in Lily's handwriting

Harry held the small button in his palm and pressed it, a weird sound emitted from it and a minute later Lily came into the room.

"How are you feeling?" Lily asked, her sweet voice bringing a smile on Harry's face

"better than yesterday," Harry said trying to use his voice

Lily frowned at him and said "The doctor said to use your voice only when necessary"

Harry shrugged and said "I've only heard people talk, its been forever since I had a proper conversation with someone"

Lily smiled at Harry sympathetically and said "If you want, you can come downstairs to eat lunch with us, but only for today"

Harry looked at her in disbelief and nodded his head. Lily wrapped Harry's arm around her shoulder and helped him downstairs

"Moony look, sleeping beauty is awake!!" Sirius exclaimed when he saw Harry

"hahaha very funny Padfoot," said James sarcastically while Remus just rolled his eyes.

Lily smacked Sirius and James after she had helped Harry sit down

"So what do you want to eat honey?" Lily asked Harry

Harry just shrugged in answer

Lily sighed and piled a variety of food on Harry's plate urging him to eat.

Harry finally gave up after he saw the look on Lily's face and ate a bit of a sandwich and a bit of chicken.

James saw the strained expression on Harry's face and asked: "Where does it hurt?"

Harry grimaced and said "I'm fine, doesn't hurt"

Remus looked at Harry sternly and warningly said "Don't give us that cra...crab cake about how you are fine"

Remus wasn't normally one to curse, it was seldom that he cursed, This was one of the few times when Remus would have cursed but the look on Lily's face was terrifying.

Harry sighed, he wasn't used to saying what he felt "it hurts, my skin feels so sore, it's like my skin has been dipped in lava and then put on me, my stomach feels like there are miniature knives poking me in my stomach"

Remus smiled sympathetically at him and said "I have a potion stored for soreness, Moony just requires me to have one at all times"

Harry smiled gratefully at Remus as he left the table to get the potion from his room.

Remus came back in 2 minutes and gave Harry the potion, as soon as Harry drank the potion his skin stopped tingling, his back felt a little better and his head didn't feel so heavy

"Thanks, it actually helped a lot" Harry said trying to speak which earned him a glare by Lily at the end while the Marauder's laughed.

a/n: so so so so so sorry for the short chapter but I'm studying rn and exams r coming up and yea... bye!!!


Ps: not wanting to sound like a Lockhart but how many of u know my real name??

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