Chapter 42| First Order Meeting

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Previously on Welcome Back

Fred and George then left with Hermione to their room to perfect their ears.

"Bloody mental they are" Ron grumbled, "Where do you think they got their funds from Harry?" Ron asked Harry.

Harry who was trying to evade the question simply said "Must have a silent partner, or they started saving up"

"Maybe, but not likely," Ron said looking at Harry suspiciously


During the First Order Meeting

James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius were already sitting in the drawing room when everyone flooed in one by one.

First were Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. They all exchanged pleasantries before Kingsley came in with Mad-Eye right behind him. Order members kept coming in. The last person to arrive was Dumbledore. He arrived with a grim look on his face right after Snape.

By 8:28 pm everyone had arrived and was seated waiting for Dumbledore to start.

Once Dumbledore saw that everyone had settled down he got up and began his speech.

"Welcome everyone. I am ecstatic to see you all here today. Today the Order Of the Phoenix begins again. We have a couple of old faces as well as new ones" Dumbledore gesturing to the old and new faces respectively

"For our new recruits, I would like to introduce them to you all and inform them on what goes on here. So if all of the new members would stand up and introduce themselves that would be great." Dumbledore said matter of factly.

"My name is Nymphadora Tonks, But please call me Tonks. I am an Auror..." Tonks began and continued to introduce herself she was followed by many of her peers such as:

Fleur Delacour, Severus Snape, Mundungus Fletcher, Kingsley Shacklebolt and more...

After everyone was done introducing themselves Dumbledore stood up and began introducing the Order of The Phoenix

"The Order of the Phoenix is an organization founded by me during the first wizarding war. It seems that we are on the brink of a second one so we must be prepared. The order's mission is to stop Lord Voldemort from what he is planning. No one else is allowed to know of the contents of this meeting. If word does get out the consequences are severe." Dumbledore said, "For today what I will inform you about are possible missions that each of you may have."

Dumbledore then went on to explain how Voldemort will try to recruit the giants and werewolves so Remus and Hagrid must persuade them to join their side. He explained how there is a certain weapon in the Department of Mysteries in the ministry that Voldemort would go after. After 2 hours of assigning roles and explaining Dumbledore called the meeting to an end.

After showing everyone out Lily, Remus, Sirius, James and Mrs. Weasley (who stayed behind to check on her kids) went upstairs to see what the kids were up to.

Two minutes beforehand Ginny had heard the order meeting coming to an end and ran into Harry's room informing them to clear up quickly. So when the adults headed to Harry's room, all the kids were seated down and were playing Poisonous Snakes and Ladders.

Ron was the first one to noticed his mother and he nudged the others who all at once hugged Mrs. Weasley as they hadn't seen her in a few weeks.

Mrs. Weasley smiled at her kids and said "I suppose you lot are having fun" she was answered by a series of 'yes mum' 'it's amazing' and the like.

When the adults saw that there was no plan to burn the house down they left telling the kids that Mrs. Weasley was staying for the night and that dinner would be ready in about half an hour.

When the kids were sure that the adults were gone they burst out in laughter.

"oh, my merlin that was so close. We had what? 2 minutes to clean up this room?" Fred said holding his sides

"Yea, plus we had to make sure that they believed that we were playing board games," Harry said who was also holding his sides.

They all quickly cleared up the fake venom from the floor and headed downstairs to eat dinner

a/n: heyo here is another chapter, I cant stay long so hope u enjoyed it and bye





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