Chapter 12: Break In

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Aphmau's POV (still)
The window shattered, and a small girl was on the ground in front of us.

"Okay... not my best idea..." she muttered. I pushed Aaron off me, and looked over at her. She had golden blond hair, and was a werewolf with silvery fur. Her ears and tail were purple tipped, and her hair was about waist length. She had a purple hoodie on and black sweatpants. The girl looked up, and her eyes widened when she saw us. Aaron stood up and started towards her. Both our ears and tail popped out. The girl squealed, and tried to run back out the window. He grabbed her by the hood, and held her up. She went limp, and the scent of fear increased greatly.

"What do you think your doing?" He growled.

"I'm sorry!" She squeaked.

"That doesn't answer my question!" He shook her a little. She pulled her hands up to her face, whimpering.

"Please..." she mumbled.

"Aaron stop!" I stood up, as he went to shake her again.

"Put her down, she's just a child." I told him. He turned to me. His eyes were bloodshot red. With a sigh, he put the girl down, but still kept a tight grip on her. I walked over, and gently rested my hand on her shoulder. She stiffened and looked up at me. Her eyes were magenta, and tear-filled. I noticed a huge, unhealed scar over her left eye. It was gushing blood, and she kept her left eye closed because of it.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked gently, her ears flattened.

"He cut it... because I didn't want to help him... the w-window reopened it..." she mumbled.

"Who?" I asked.

"I don't know... he made me do this... he was gonna h-hurt my sister..."

"What did he look like?"

"H-he had blue eyes... and blond hair... but his eyes changed between green and blue... h-he had peach tanned skin... and was fairly tall..."

"That sounds like Garroth..." Aaron said. I looked up at him, he had closed his eyes, and his fists were clenched.

"Where's your sister now?" I asked.

"H-he has her... a-and he's going t-to kill her..." she broke down crying. I pulled her into a hug, and looked up at Aaron.

"Where are they?" Aaron growled.

"A-a-across the s-st-street... i-in an a-alleyway..." she stuttered. He jumped out the window.

"W-wait! P-please... d-don't h-hurt her..." she begged, running over. I followed her. Aaron glanced over, and nodded, before running off.

3rd Person POV
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Aphmau gently took the small girl's hand, and led her to the bathroom, where she managed to clean the deep cut and bandage it.

"Thank you..." the girl murmured.

"What's your name?" Aphmau asked.

"I-it's Kaiya..." she replied, "w-what's yours?..."

"I'm Aphmau." Aphmau smiled gently, as she finished wrapping the bandages around Kaiya's minor injuries.


Aaron walked across the street, and went into the nearest alleyway. Garroth turned around as he heard his approach, and his eyes flickered from their usual baby blue, to an emerald green.

"Aaron." He growled.

"Garroth." Aaron growled right back.

"Guess that little girl failed to do her job." Garroth growled, "What'd you do to her? Kill her?"

Alpha and Luna (Aphmau: Aarmau AU)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora