Chapter 18: Garroth

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Garroth's POV (le wut?)

"He was spotted here before, search the area!" I heard a cop call.

I've been on the run for weeks now, ever since Michael kicked me out. I never wanted to do anything I did. He made me do all of it. I don't even know how, he just did. Like I was bound to him or something.

He said my friends and family hate me, and I know he's right. Especially after what I did to Vylad. That still haunts me.

I heard he gets out of the hospital today though, thank Irene.

Although, those two girls, the werewolves. I can't believe what I did to them either. I saw the pink one with a large scar going across her cheek, and the purple one with hair over the eye that I had cut. I guess it's blind now, and the hair hides the scar. It hurts, knowing nobody will forgive me.

I started running again, away from the police. One of them must have saw me, because they started shooting. A bullet grazed my arm, and I yelped in pain, putting my hand over the wound. I chanced a glance back, and saw them running after me. I started running again. I don't know why. I probably deserve to be in jail, but for some reason I have the urge to stay away.

Maybe it's what he said.

"I'm kicking you out. You have nowhere to go. Your friends and family hate you, your wanted by the government, and if anyone even sees you, you'll be thrown in jail for life."

I think he wants me to be arrested. Maybe that's why I'm not turning myself in. I'm not doing anything he wants me to do, not again.

I heard Aphmau and Aaron are dating, and he "marked" her. I think that's a werewolf term.

As I was running, I found myself in an alleyway between two houses that I never thought I would see again.

Aphmau and Aaron's house, and the house where Aaron's pack lives.

It gave me an idea.

Zack once told me Ein used to work for them. He quit, after realizing hurting people wasn't the way to go.

Maybe he can explain something.

I remember looking at a map of the house, where his room was. There was a tall tree in front of it, so I started climbing.

Once I reached the tree, I saw he was inside it. Sleeping.

Well, it was early in the day, so I guess it makes sense.

The door started opening, and I quickly jumped down a branch, looking up so I was still able to see inside.

Aaron's sister, Melissa I think, was yelling something at Ein. He sat up, grumbling something, and yelled back. Melissa laughed and left the room. He got up, and I took a deep breath.

Then I knocked on the window.

He was obviously startled, jumping and whirling around. He started towards the door, and I quickly shook my head, making an X symbol with my hands.

I guess he saw my expression, and took the chance.

"Garroth?!" He exclaimed, opening the window.

"Uh... hi." I said.

"Explain." He demanded.

"Michael kicked me out." I said.

"He WHAT?!"

"Shh! Please, I would rather not be torn into a million pieces!"

"Sorry, but seriously?! Michael doesn't kick people out! Not unless he knows they have nowhere to go, and will suffer endlessly- oh, wait. You don't have anywhere to go and would suffer endlessly if he kicked you out."

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