Chapyer 19: Emergancy!

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~Timeskip: 25 weeks later~
Aphmau's POV
These past weeks have been awful.

Everyone knows about Garroth being here.

Cathy and Betty completely ditched Jenny at her house as soon as Garroth moved in.

Vylad is out of the hospital, and is definitely wary of Garroth, however makes attempts to at least talk with him.

Unlike Zane, who has decided that if he pretends Garroth isn't there, he'll go away.

Oh, and I'm fat.

40 weeks pregnant does that I guess.

I'm honestly scared. The due date is in two days.

Friday, July 3rd.

Today is July 1st.

Taiya and Kaiya are excited to be older sisters.

Aaron is scared to death.

Y'know why?

We're having a boy.

Yep, a boy.

We still don't know what to name him.

Aaron says that because he's the Ultima, and the baby is a boy, it's guaranteed to be an Ultima.

Which is why Melissa (without telling Aaron) talked to their parents.

She says that Aaron doesn't have a good relationship with his parents, but we will probably need their help in the beginning.

I'm scared too.

For a different reason.

Remember that stuff about me being connected to Irene?

I kinda sorta am descended from her and have her powers.

Aaron barely ever let's me out of the house.

Anyway, I'm watching anime with him right now.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Could be better." I muttered in reply. He laughed gently, and wrapped his arms around me, putting his hands on my stomach, and pressing gently. I gasp a little in pain, as the baby reacts to it.

"Shh... it's okay..." he cooed in ny ear quietly, as he himself shifts so I'm in his lap, and he's leaning with has back to the arm of the couch. I blush slightly, but smile. Aaron nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck, kissing it gently.

The pain suddenly gets worse. I assume it's just the baby kicking, but it doesn't stop.

It continues for a few minutes, until it gets worse. Horribly worse.

I think it was just a subconscious reaction to the pain, but I screamed.

Aaron's POV
When Aphmau screamed, I stood up and knelt by her.

"Hey, hey... shh..." I tried to calm her down, but she didn't, tears streaming down her face, complete with a pained expression.

"It hurts... Aaron it hurts... worse then normal..." she managed to say. I grab my phone and call the doctors.

"Hello this Phoenix Drop Hospital, how can I help you?" A ladies voice filtered through.

"My pregnant fiance is experiencing pain, and says it's worse then the usual pains she gets." I explain, trying to stay calm.

"How far along is she?" The lady asked.

"40 weeks. Her due date is in two days." I replied.

"Sounds like she's going into labour. Where are you?"

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