Chapter 2

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He heard feet pounding on the ground and voices calling out from behind him.

Taking the chance he looked back but wish he didnt. The group was gaining on him, and one wrong move, he will be dead.

He turned sharply around the corner, almost tumbling to the ground.

Running a good few meters, he finally reached his house.

Slamming the door behind him, leaning against it to catch his breath. Finally in the safe place of his home.

"Jeongin, Honey? Can you please come to the kitchen, we need to talk to you" His mother called out.

"Just a second, mom" he said as he placed his bag on the floor.

He made his way over to the kitchen, seeing multiple suitcases around the table his parents sat at.

He sighed already knowing what was to come. His mother smiled sadly at him as he went to the fridge.

"I guess you already know what's happening" His father stated.

Jeongin shrugged taking out a can of pop before closing the fridge.

He was used to it. His parents hardly being around due to having business trips.

But he never complained about it. Knowing that what they did put a roof over his head and clothes on his back.

"Another business trip? I understand, you dont gotta worry" he said.

But deep down he didnt want them to go. He wanted them to stay, and be there for him.

So they can cuddle up on the couch and watch movies all day long.

"I'm afraid it's more than that, Innie. We're going to America" his mother said.

Jeongin almost choked on his pop, coughing slightly as he put his can down.


His parents mostly went to Seoul or Daegu or even Gwanju, never out of state.

"For how long?" He asked.

It was usually for a weekend if not then a week, two at the most.

"For three months" they answered.

"Three months?!" His mouth hung open in shock.

"I'm afraid so sweetie" His mom frowned.

Jeongin composed himself, he knew his mother hated parting with him. Even if it was just him going to school in the morning.

Even though he would have to get use to not seeing them for months, he was willing to suck it in just for them.

"It's okay, Mom. I know this is important for you and dad" Jeongin smiled.

But behind that smile was sadness. He didnt want them to go, but he'll never say it outloud.

"I'll be fine by myself"

"Only you wont be by yourself" His father grinned standing up.

"We hired a babysitter just for you. Their going to watch you while we're gone" his mother smiled.

"Seriously? Mom I'm almost 18, I dont need a babysitter. I'll be fine on my own" he retorted.

But he knew it was a lie. He was relieved hearing those words come from her mouth.

He absolutely hated being alone, always having to have someone with him.

Which was why he was glad someone would be able to keep him company during these three months.

But he'll never admit it. His parents knew as well, but they will never say it out loud.

The three just stared at each other before Jeongin finally gave up with a sigh.

"Aish, dont worry. He's a close friends son, I heard his a sweet and charming boy" his mother cooed.

"Honey, We have to leave now if we want to catch our flight" his father interrupted.

His mother sighed, giving her son a huge hug before taking her suit case.

"He'll be here later tonight so dont worry" and with that she walked out.

His father ruffled his hair before following his mother. The door shutting echoed throughout the now empty home.

Jeongin was alone and he had nothing to do. The only thing he could think of was to sleep.

So that is what he did.


He awoke to the sound of someone knocking harshly on the door.

Groggily he got up and slipped on a random hoodie that rested on his chair.

The knocking got more intense as he climbed down the steps.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, sheesh" he groaned opening the door.

Before him stood a tall man, blonde hair being pulled away from his face with a bandana.

He wore a sleeveless shirt with black ripped jean's and some black Van's.

"Can I help you?" Jeongin asked rubbing his eyes. The man before him seemed vaguely familiar.

Once his vision cleared, he wanted to scream. To hide in a deep, dark, black hole and never be seen again.

"You have got to be kidding me" he whined as the man before him just glared at him.

"Great." The man mumbled making his way into the house.

"Who said you can come in?" Jeongin stated a hint of venom laced in his voice.

The man just stared at him, sitting on his couch. "I'm your babysitter"

Jeongin stared at him wide eyed. There was no way that he was going to be staying at his house for three months.

The said boy rolled his eyes closing the front door and heading up the stairs without a word.

"Bangchan. The one person I absolutely hate. Bangchan. Why couldn't it be Felix or something?" He mumbled under his breath.

But unfortunately the elder heard him.

"Listen kid. It's not my fault your too much of a baby to be here by yourself" Chan stated standing up.

Jeongin was frozen with fear. Yes he hated the boy. Yes he was afraid of him. And yes, Chan bullied him from time to time.

Thus the reason why he wasnt to find on the idea of having said boy be in his home.

"You think I actually want to be here with you. I'm only here for the money so dont expect for us to be friends" Chan continued.

Jeongin rolled his eyes continuing his trek to his room.

"Whoever said I wanted to be friends with you?" He retorted before going into his room slamming the door shut.

Both boys audibly groaned from their positions.

They were both stuck with the person they dislike the most.

I feel like this is a bad chapter but then I dont so I dont know. Let me know in the comments 💜

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