Chapter 21

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Chan paced in the living room, his phone held tightly against his ear.

"You'll have to watch him until he's of legal age" The police officer, Mr. Jung, explained.

"That's all you needed to tell me? I already knew that" Chan stated walking back and forth.

"Well, since his parents are- were a big help to our country, the government will be giving him a lot of money to pay for his college fees" Mr. Jung stated.

"That's good" Chan said stopping, facing the tv.

"Since he is the only child, all the money will go to him. But the money his parents had saved in their banks will be taken out and he wont recieveany money until he's 18"

"What? You cant do that! How are we suppose to pay the house bills?" Chan asked crossing his arm and swaying slightly.

"Its not our choice, Mr.Bang. We cant do anything about it." Mr. Jung said calmly.

Jeongin walked down the stairs quietly, he didnt want to eavesdrop but he wanted to know what was happening.

He stood at the bottom of the steps peering around the wall and into the living room, Chan's back towards him.

"You can do something about, you just dont want to. He's 17, he's still underage. You cant just leave him with no money. He's going to be 18 in a few months just give him the money now" Chan argued, his face heating up.

"I'm sorry"

"You're sorry? Jeongin lost his parents in a damn plane crash, you guys are taking all of the money that rightfully belongs to him and all you can say is sorry? Bullshit!" Chan stated angrily.

Jeongin's mouth dropped open. His parents were dead? Why didn't Chan tell him right away? A few tears ran down his cheek as realization hit.

He was alone.

He raced towards the front door, quickly opening it and leaving. He walked down the sidewalk, tears burning and blurring his eyes.


It was now dark and Jeongin stood infront of his house staring at it.

He saw the lights in the living room on meaning that Chan was awake and waiting for it.

It wasnt even that late, maybe around 9:30 at night. He debated going inside or just heading down the block to Felix's house.

But he knew Changbin was going to be at Felix's and didnt want to be the third wheel or be annoying to them.

He had spent some time at the cafe, soft tears rolling down his cheeks. And when Jin offered him a hug, Jeongin couldnt help but break apart.

So he spent the whole day at Jin's house, crying his heart out, almost coughing up a lung from choking on his sobs.

And now he stood infront of his house. The two story building looming over him. After standing for another minute or so, he walked up his drive way and opened the already unlocked door.

As he guessed it, Chan was sitting in the living room looking worried as ever.

Jeongin didnt even look at him. Mad couldn't even describe the feeling in his chest.

He was beyond pissed. It scared him himself because he has never been this pissed before. He was always a happy child, always looking on the bright side of things.

But after hearing the tragic news about his parents. And not even from the person he trust most himself, it was an accidental mistake. And he knew that if he had never overheard Chan, the older would have never told him.

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