Chapter 45

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Thanks to everyone who is wishing me a happy birthday, I honestly love you guys🥺❤ Double update just for you. Also because I made you guys like really sad that one chapter, this chapter is just going to be a crack chapter with a little sadness cuz we need some happiness in here😂

The next day Jeongin didnt went to get out of bed. He didnt want to face anyone or anything.

"Come....on" Jimin groaned pulling Jeongin's leg but somehow the younger managed to stay glued on the bed.

"No let me mourn in peace" Jeongin mumbled from being hidden under the blankets.

Jimin sighed and tugged on the blankets to try and take it off him but he failed.

"Jeongin, I know you just broke up with Chan-"

"I loved him so much, Jimin" Jeongin said finally taking the blanket off him and sitting up.

"And he just threw that all away, I know" Jimin said rubbing his back to comfort him.

"I also know that many people would stay locked up in their rooms for days and never come out. I dont want you like that. If you get out, get some fresh nature air in your body, and try to at least have some fun. Then you'll feel slightly better" Jimin explained.

Jeongin sighed and rubbed his left eye cuz he knew Jimin was right.

"Fine but if we run into Chan I'm yeeting myself away" Jeongin stated as he stood up from the bed.

"Dont worry, I texted him and told him to stay clear" Jimin said looking at his nails.

"What exactly did you tell him?" Jeongin asked squinting his eyes at Jimin, knowing how he was.

"Le sigh I told him that we were going to be out and that if he is also out then to keep away from you and me" Jimin stated.

Jeongin nodded suspiciously because he knew for a fact that that was not what Jimin said because Jimin is not that nice.

But Jimin was right. When they went out, Jeongin had fun. And they didnt run into Chan.

On Monday, Jeongin was again reluctant to get up. Not wanting to go to classes in fear of running into Chan.

"Jeongin, please" Jimin whined yanking the blankets off of him.

"I dont want to go!"

"You have to!"

"No I dont!"

"If you want to get into a good colle-" Jimin paused and stared at the floor.

Jeongin laughed while as Jimin rethought his whole existence.

"But we are already in college" Jeongin stated.

"Shut up Susan, if you want to get a good job" Jimin retorted.

"You literally have two classes, lunch then you get to come back here. And let me remind you, I'm in those classes and we share a lunch" Jimin stated.

Jeongin groaned as he sat up. "Fien but if we see Chan, I'm throwing you"

Jimin scoffed, "As if"

*Two hours later*

Jimin and Jeongin sat at the lunch table eating lunch. Jimin suggested they go and get pizza or ramen, practically anything besides the schools food but Jeongin didnt feel like walking.

After a couple of minutes of the two just joking around and laughing, Jeongins friends all came to the table.

Seungmin sat on Hyunjin's lap, Felix and Changbin were casually sitting next to each other holding hands, and Minho was standing up back hugging Jisung.

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