Chapter 27

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Jeongin woke up early the next morning, he stared at Chan a small blush creeping onto his face.

He carefully got out of bed and made his way to his room. Taking a shower and getting dressed, he stared at himself in the mirror.

"Oh my god" Jeongin whispered covering his face with his hands, getting flustered.

"I have to tell Jisung" he said to himself, looking at the time it was still early.

Going downstairs and pouring himself a bowl of cereal, he stood by the counter staring at the box of frosted flakes before deciding to pour Chan a bowl as well.

Carrying the two bowls in his hands, he pushed opened Chan's slightly ajar door and walked inside.

It seemed as Chan just woke up since he was sitting at the edge of the bed looking dazed.

"Good morning" Jeongin said his voice coming out more quiet than he intended.

Chan looked up at him as Jeongin gave one of the bowls to him.

"Morning" Chan said his morning voice deep making a chill run down Jeongin's spine. "Thank you"

Jeongin hummed a response as he layed on the bed, making sure his feet hung off the edge so his shoes wouldnt dirty the sheets.

"About what happened.." Chan trailed off, moving his cereal around with his spoon.

"Let's not talk about it" Jeongin said not giving Chan the chance to finish.

Chan turned to look at him, Jeongin's head immediately turning the other way to avoid eye contact.

"I just need to wrap my head around it, okay?" Jeongin said chewing on his lip feeling uncomfortable.

"Yeah, okay" Chan said, sadness evident in his voice.

Jeongin felt bad, really bad and he also felt very  uncomfortable.

"Um" Jeongin stood up, "It's  time to go so uh...I'll get going"

He quickly walked towards the door but Chan's voice stopped him.

"Wait! Let me get ready real quick and I'll drive-"

"No!" Jeongin said loudly and quickly interrupting him, turning around fast as he said it.

He looked at Chan, with wide eyes, who only looked back at him with confusion.

"No" Jeongin said calmly, "I'll walk. You....take your time"

And with that he turned on his heel and left the room leaving Chan confused and hurt.

Jeongin rushed to grab his book bag and phone from his room. Running down the stairs and snatching his keys from the table, he left the house slamming the door a little too loudly.

He winced at the loud noise before booking it down the street and towards Jisung's house.

He stopped at the driveway, putting his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

Looking up, Jisung's car was gone. "Shit" Jeongin yelled punching the tree next to him.

"A-ah ow" He whined holding onto his hand, his knuckles were now bruised due to how hard he punched the tree.

"I should have let Chan drive me" He sighed starting his walk to the school.

As he walked, he mentally scolded himself for not taking Chan's offer and for stupidly punching a tree.

That's when he remembered why he was so eager to talk to Jisung, so he sprinted his way to school.

He flew into the school out of breath, almost collapsing to the floor from exhaustion.

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