Chapter 17

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Please read the A/n at the end of the story, its important but beside that enjoy.

*A month later*

"Felix give it back!" Jeongin yelled chasing after Felix who jumped over the couch and ducked behind Changbin.

Changbin towered over Jeongin making him feel small. Jeongin pouted and crossed his arms, glaring at Felix who peaked out from behind Changbin.

He held the flower crown in his hand, waving it teasingly before putting it on his head.

Jeongin reached forward trying to grab it but Felix dodged his hand and hid behind Changbin once again.

Jeongin looked up, staring into Changbins eyes, challenging him. But unfortunately Changbin didnt break, only a small smile forming on his lips.

Suddenly an idea popped into Jeongins head and he smirked. "CHAN!" He called out at the top of his lungs.

Changbin's eyes widened and Felix quickly came out from behind him. "Wait-"

But Jeongin was gone, already running through the house and towards the back door, trying to make it to the backyard where Chan was with Minho and Jisung. Felix chasing after him.

"Chan, Chan, Cha-" Jeongin called out but stopped once Felix tackled him to the ground.

"Felix, get off" Jeongin groaned flipping under Felix so he was now laying on his back.

Felix straddled Jeongin, keeping him in place. Jeongin flailed his arms trying to push Felix's off but Felix fought back. So they were having a cat fight.

Changbin stood behind them laughing, taking out his phone and recording the scene.

Chan came through the back door, his hair was messy and a thin layer of swear covered his body.

"I heard my name" Chan said tilting his head slightly, confused as to what he was seeing.

Felix froze giving Jeongin the chance to escape from beneath him.

Jeongin got up and ran towards Chan, jumping up and clinging on him like a koala. Then he pouted.

"What's wrong?" Chan asked a slight smile forming on his lips.

"Felix took my flower crown and wont give it back" Jeongin tattled.

Felix stayed in the exact same spot his mouth hanging open, still in shock. The flower crown sitting on his head crookedly.

Chan's eyes flickered towards Changbin who was recording the whole thing. Changbin's large smile instantly dropped seeing Chan's dark expression.

He dropped his phone and ran the opposite direction, socks slipping on the hard wood floor.

Felix finally snapped out of his daze, seeing Chan tap Jeongin's thigh and seeing as Jeongin rested his feet on the ground with a smug look.

He scrambled on the floor, slipping multiple times while trying to get up, running away from Chan.

Chan quickly chased after him, Jeongin laughed as he heard Felix high pitched squeals.

He raced after them not wanting to miss what Chan was going to do to Felix.

Chan chased Felix around the entire house, Felix doing everything possible to not get caught.

Until he made it to his backyard, Minho tripping him making him face plant into the grass.

He tried to get up but Chan put his foot on Felix's back preventing him from doing so.

The flower, which was surprisingly not ruined and still on Felix's head, was taken off by Chan and he put it on his own head.

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