Chapter 66

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"What was that?" Chan asked.

Jeongin had dragged him all the way to some rollercoaster called The Joker.

(Let's just say they're at sixflags)

"What was what?" Jeongin asked acting clueless. Chan looked at him with a smile.

"You really" he trails off and watched as Jeongin stared at him innocently.

"Okay, I see how it is" Chan laughed.

"It is like nothing" Jeongin stated, looking up.

"How do I deal with you?" Chan sighed.


"I know, I dont know how I do it" Chan joked.

"No I mean, wow, The ride flips while you're in the air" Jeongin said pointing at it.

Chan looked up and saw how fast they were flipping.

"Why did you bring me here?" Jeongin asked.

"You brought me here" Chan stated confused.

"How many?" The worker asked.

"Two" Chan said.

"Go into the second one over there" the worker pointed.

Chan nodded, taking Jeongin's hand and dragging him to the lane.

"Oh my God, Chan why did you bring me here?" Jeongin whines hitting Chan's arm.

"Ow, you're the one who dragged me towards this ride" Chan said rubbing his arm.

"Well why didn't you stop me?" Jeongin asked fidgeting.

"I tried and you yelled at me" Chan stated.

"That was before I knew we were going to be flipping"

"Calm down, its not that bad" Chan said as the ride came to a stop.

The people before them coming out.

"Holy shit dude, that was scary" Some dude said to his friend.

"We were going like 90 miles per hour haha" his friend laughed.

"Chan" Jeongin whined gripping Chan's shirt and burying his face in his chest.

"Look we're next" Chan said bringing Jeongin to his seat.

"We're gonna die" Jeongin said as Chan sat down.

"Come on" Chan patted the seat next to him.

"I'm not getting on that" Jeongin said.

"Unless you wanna go by yourself then I advise you get on" Chan said.

"Okay okay fine" Jeongin said getting in his seat.

He brought down the harness and buckled it, trying to get it as tight as he can.

"We're gonna die" Jeongin said.

"We'll be fine" Chan assured.

"Were gonna die" Jeongin repeated.

The worker came over, first checking Chan's harness then checking Jeongin's.

"Tighter. Put it tighter" He said to the guy.

"Um that's as tight as it goes, kid" the guy said.

"Is this ride safe?" Jeongin asked.

"I can assure you it is. No one has died, at least not yet" The guy said.

"Yet!?" Jeongin screeched as the guy walked off with a smirk.

"Nope get me off" Jeongin said struggling with his harness.

"Innie, the ride is about to start" Chan stated.

"Oh my god, hold my hand" Jeongin took hold of Chan's hand.

"If I die, tell Jimin I love him. Tell Felix and Changbin that my ghost wants front row seats at their wedding. Tell Woojin that he will always be my favorite. Tell Seungmin and Jisung that they are forever my bestfriends and I love them. Tell Minho that I was the one who drank his juice box that one time in highschool. Tell Hyunjin that he is the queen. And Chan, I love you no matter what. I always love you and if I die I'll keep loving you from above" he ranted.

"What?" Chan laughed, "Jeongin you're not going to die"

"I'm gonna die" Jeongin breathed out, squeezing Chan's hand.


"Im about to meet my mom again"

And then the ride started.

And Jeongin screamed.

On the other side of the park, Felix stopped and looked up before looking behind him.

"Y'all here that?" He asked.

"Is that Jeongin?" Jimin asked before laughing.

"How can you guys here him? Hes on the other side of the park?" Woojin asked.

"I heard his scream" Felix shrugged and they continued walking.


"Chan, what did you do?" Felix asked.

It was late and the amusement park was closing. They all gathered around at the van.

Jeongin stood, his hair all over the place and his face was pale.

"I didn't do anything. He decided to go on rides he knew would scar him" Chan shrugged.

Jeongin pushed Chan, "Shut up. Let's go, I'm tired"


"Ah, finally back" Jeongin sighed falling back onto his bed. Jimin falling down next to him.

"Don't we have classes tomorrow?" Jimin stated. Jeongin groaned.

They made it back to the college and all went their separate ways to their dorms.

It was about two in the morning and everyone was absolutely exhausted.

That's when Woojin burst into their dorm room. Jeongin sat up and looked at him.

"Guess who's single now"

I'm sorry if this chapter seems rushed, I still feel bad for going m.i.a for whole week and really wanted to get something out for you guys.

But I'm sad to say that this book is coming to an end soon🥺

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