Chapter 33

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*Okay I promise this is a tiny time skip*

*One year later*

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help you" Chan said over the phone.

Jeongin smiled as he switch the phone from his right hand to his left.

"Dont worry about it Chan, I have Felix helping me"

Which was a lie.

After a whole school year without the elders, Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin always stayed together since they were all they had. Lisa joining to hang from time to time with her new girlfriend.

The three hardly got to see their boyfriends due to how much school work they had and because of distance. If they were lucky they got to see them at least once a month.

Chan did his best to call Jeongin everyday even though the two had totally different and packed schedules.

Luckily, the school year went by fast. Chan was able to attend Jeongin's graduation. The two celebrating it with a special special moment.

(wink wink)

Over the summer, Jeongin was busy with his new job and setting up his classes for college.

Now it was a week before school started up again and Jeongin was just now moving into his new dorm and about to meet his dorm mate. Sadly Chan had a lot, a lot school work to catch up and even though he wanted to help, Jeongin didnt allow him too. Wanting him to finish his work so he doesnt fail.

Saying Felix was going to help him. Turned out Felix moved into his dorm early and found out he roomed with his boyfriend, Changbin. Same for Seungmin.

Was Jeongin jealous that his best friends were able to room with his boyfriend and he wasnt? Hell yeah.

But he didnt let it get to him. He took it as the chance to meet someone new and introduce him to their friends to gain more friends.

"Baby, are you sure? I could drop everything and help you" Chan stated.

Jeongin gave a laugh as he walked down the hall. "My dorm is on the second floor, I'll be fine. Stay focused. I'll call you when I get to the college"

Though, Jeongin was already at the college. He wanted to surprise Chan so he decided to not tell Chan he already arrived.

Hanging up the call, he looked up at his dorm door. There was a letter P hanging from it which made him wonder what it standed for.

Hoping his roommate was already inside and didnt have to go through the awkward state of seeing them later, possibly with his/her friends with them.

He opened the door and was met with a guy sitting on one of the two beds. From what Jeongin can see,

The guy had black hair and small hoop earrings. He was wearing a dark blue oversized sweater along with some grey sweatpants.

"Um hello" Jeongin said quietly. When the mysterious guy looked up from his phone, Jeongin was awe struck. He was unbelievable handsome.

But when the guy gave a smile, he looked like a cute little puppy. This confused Jeongin, and right off the bat he knew the guy was a mixture of being dominant yet cute.

"Hi!" The guy said awfully cheery, standing up and walking over to where Jeongin stood. The guy was about Jeongin's height maybe a little shorter or a little taller but he didnt know.

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